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Branches trembled as thunder rumbled in the sky. The air was muggy and thick, coating the foliage in soft grey gauze. Rain threatened to fall from pulsing black clouds and lightning lit the sky in the distance.

"M-mama?" A young child's voice cut through the air, sobs accompanying it.

Another voice joined in, this one older. "Mommy, where are you? We saw daddy come with you. Momma?"

A scream sliced through the thick fog, jolting both girls. "Momma!" The younger girl sobbed again, reaching out in vain for a mother that isn't there.

The girls shrieked as a streak of lightning hit the tree behind them. Releasing a series of unsettling cracks, the tree wobbled and began to fall.

The elder sister hauled up her sibling and ran for a clearing ahead. She looks back and tears streaked harder down her face. They would never make it in time...unless...

There was no time to think. She cradled her sister carefully before tossing her forward into a soft patch of grass out of the way. She looked again, blonde hair whipping around her face, grey eyes searching, watching the tree fall straight towards her.

Ten feet away. Five feet. Two. One.

A crash and a pained scream was heard throughout the forest as the tree hit home. Branches slapped the ground and jolted back up, the tree's roots searching for the ground.

Another streak of lightning, a flash of light before darkness, and Misty Hughes trembled in a bed of grass, waiting for something to find her.

Creekling Woods; Book IDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora