Chapter 2: Week one

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(A/N sorry for not updating in so long, I don't know how to continue a story usually and it just stays like that forever... 😅)

Kirito's POV

"Nakamura! I distinctly remember saying no discharging guns in the classroom!" Yellow yelled.

"I know..." Nakamura said.

"Back row, young lady. Think about what you have done." It was another day in class 3-E. I don't know why Yellow wanted to teach, but we needed to assassinate him somehow... 10 billion isn't something you just pass up on...

Yellow was writing something on the board. The bell then rang. "Oh, that's lunchtime everybody. Excuse me while I pop over to China for a quick bite. You have my cell number, any killers feeling especially trigger-happy are welcome to hit me up." He then disappeared in a blur at mach 20.

It amazes me how he can do that... Maybe 10 minutes until he comes back? Eh. I don't know, it's been two years since I've been in school... I spaced out a bit. I get back from that death game and I have a year to kill a yellow octopus that can blow up the earth... My life is strange.

I got out my lunch my mom made for me. It had a nice sandwich with some water in it. I dug in ignoring basically everyone and everything around me.

(Time skip)

"Okie-Dokie! Your assignment this afternoon is to compose a small poem. The final line should read, 'was tentacles all along'. When you've completed the assignment, kindly bring it forward. You will be graded on creativity, grammar, and overall beautiful expression. Here's an example: not the storm of garden's snow moving along, spreading their instead with tentacles all along. You may go home once you're finished."

Several gasps were heard, and complaints. I just tried to write something good enough. I saw Nagisa walking up with his poem already, but then I saw the knife. Oh boy... Now? He attacked Yellow and Yellow caught it. "What did I say about thinking outside the box?"

Then Nagisa jumped on Yellow and Terasaka pressed a button and a grenade blew up. WHAT THE HELL?! I ducked down to dodge the BB's that went everywhere. One of the BB's could have impaled Nagisa...

"What the hell is this weird membrane?"

"It's not a body, but a husk. I shed my skin once a month. I wrapped it around your classmate to protect him from the blast." I looked up and saw Yellow, he looked terrifying.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you didn't see this coming. Terasaka. Yoshida. Muramatsu." Yellow was turning black. "This was your doing. Wasn't it?" They started panicking.
He disappeared and came back with all the name plates from our houses.

"Here's the deal, kiddos. The agreement I have with your government forbids me from harming you. But there's a catch. If you pull another irresponsible stunt like that again.... There is nothing that says I can't harm someone else. Family... Friends... Everyone in the world except for you, if I feel like it." That... Got dark real quick.

In the end Nagisa got praised for technique and composure. Them three nitwits got scolded. I finished my poem and headed home.

(How did I do only one time skip!? Yay! Again sorry for the wait 😸)

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