Waste It on Me

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Letting out a frustrated groan, Lilith grabbed her bag and headed out towards the nearest bar to her apartment. If she can't stop thinking about it, she'll have to use an outside force as a distraction and hopefully forget as much as she can, even if it's just for a night.

♦ ♦ ♦

The bar was packed; sweaty bodies against sweaty bodies. There was barely enough room to breathe. But that's just how she hoped it'd be; too much going on to think.

She passed through the jumble of people, pushing and shoving just to find the bar.
Your strongest, please," she requested.

"Broken heart?" The bartender replied as he reached under the counter for (hopefully) exactly what she'd asked for.

Lilith blew a hair out of her face and rested her chin on the palm of her hand. "Something like that." A purse of his lips and a nod of his was the only reply he gave before placing a tall glass of something in front of her. She thanked him and spin around, watching the scene before her. The DJ had put something loud on, driving everyone off the counter and to the dance floor.

Well, almost all.

All except for Lilith and a boy about four seats over, grimacing at the taste of whatever he was chugging. Building up some courage, she took a large swift of her own drink before making her way over to him.

"What're you here for?" she asked as she plopped down next to him.

"Me? Oh, uh... I um." He gulped, and she cocked an eyebrow.

"You don't have to tell me, you know." He smiled then, and she was immediately captivated.

"What's your name?"

"Evan. What about you?"


"That's beautiful," he replied, that smile making another appearance. "Almost as beautiful as you."

"Evan, are you trying to flirt with me?" Lilith giggled, a short, hiccup, and alcohol-filled giggle. Evan smiled sheepishly, cheeks filling red.

"I'm glad you noticed. I didn't make it too obvious, did I? I was afraid my shaking hands would give it away."

She really laughed then, throwing her head back as her hand grabbed onto his shoulder to keep from falling backward. "You're cute, Evan." They talked. And talked. And chatted away into the night as people came and went. Left and right lights flashed and music blared, but Lilith and Evan stay seated at that bar, too into each other to consume any more alcohol.

"So tell me, Lilith. What brought you here tonight?" Evan tilted his head to the side, a knack Lilith had noticed he partakes in when he's really interested. "Heartache? Bored? Invited?"

"Heartache. Long-story-short: I got cheated on. That was three weeks ago. I finally forced myself to leave my apartment tonight, hoping to forget." That sobered them both up. "Do you believe in love?" she suddenly asked, leaning her chin on her hand. "'Cause I don't think it's all that real. I think it's messed up. It doesn't work. There's always heartache and pain of being let go or pushed away, or being chosen beneath another. It's a waste of time."

He pondered on her words for a long time, and Lilith found herself staring through most of it.

She noticed he had a freckle just above his lip, and that he knawed at those lips when in deep thought. His eyes were slightly squinted, narrowed the tiniest bit. There were smile lines by his eyes, and a dimple on his chin whenever he moved his mouth. And when he smiled... she couldn't take her eyes off his smile.

"Whoever taught you that that was love, made you think that what they were giving you was real love, they were lying. You haven't been loved, Lilith."


That was not the reply she was expecting.

Lilith frowned, cocking her head to the side in her confusion.

"I can already tell that there's so much more to you than you let on. That there are thousands of things you want to say but you hold back, and I've no idea why. No one's treated you like a comma--no one's taken you to a new phrase. And that hurts my heart, Lilith." He gulps then, ears pink. "You're breathtaking," he breathes. "Absolutely breathtaking."

♦ ♦ ♦

The walk to her apartment was filled with effortless chatter, but she couldn't quite catch her breath after what he'd said played on a loop.

You're breathtaking.

"Well, this is me," she shrugs. He stares at her for a second while they stand outside of her apartment door before pulling her in for a hug.

Absolutely breathtaking.

"Listen... I know, I know that there's no changing your mind, but we both have each other tonight, so..." He pulls back, brushing her hair behind her ear and cupping her cheek. "If love is nothing more than a waste of your time," he breathes in, eyes locked on hers, unmoving, unwavering. "Waste it on me."

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