Fix our damn stuff!

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"Well we're screwed. Slender's gonna kill us." Ben sighed leaning against a tree.

"How the hell did she just fly, like how da fuck?!" Jeff said in anger kicking a tree.

"Well, she couldn't of gone far." Ben stated.

"Please, if she can fly she can probably do it fast." Jeff rolled his eyes groaning.


They weren't wrong, she could fly fast. Just not very high yet. Y/N thought to herself as she looked down at them from the tree she had managed to land in. She could fly about 15 feet in the air. Maybe magnet repulsion wasn't the best method, she'd fix it later. She had known what they were there for. Although she covered her tracks pretty well, some people managed to track her and came to her house. Which pissed off her parents resulting in a beating.

Y/N began to wonder about the Creepypasta house. She knew they were serial killers, but what else did they do?

"We do a lot child." Y/N turned only to be face to, well no face with some sort of creature. He grabbed her out of the tree with his, tentacles? The fuck?!

"I suspected Ben and Jeff would mess this up." The creature mumbled as Y/N squirmed and was attempting to free herself.

"Well, it's not our fault she decided, hey I wanna be a bird! Then just took off!" Jeff shouted in response.

"Well, we have her now. Let's go before she decides to pull another magic trick." Ben said relieved, not knowing he had pissed Y/N off.

"FOR YOU INFORMATION, MAGIC IS BULLSHIT! SO DON'T EVEN BEGIN TO COMPARE MY GADGETS WITH IT!" Y/N shouted at Ben glaring, Ben stepped back surprised he had pissed you off that bad.

"Calm down child. He didn't mean it in a bad way." Slender said trying to calm the crazy down.

"Fine, But he should go fuck himself." Y/N muttered under her breath.

"We're here children, go inside and tell the others." Slender informed Ben and Jeff as they ran off to do whatever.

"Where are we?" Y/N asked as a giant mansion came into view. She gasped, it was beautiful. Slender walked up to the door his tentacle putting her down and leading her into the house. Where she saw a lot of pissed off faces.

"Alright missy, you fucked up my phone SO FIX IT!" A girl in a white mask with a black dress said shouting at her.

"Jane don't shout at her, I'm sorry miss. But can you please fix our stuff? I just wanna watch cartoons with Slendy." A little girl requesting tugging on Y/N's sleeve pouting.

"Sorry,can't fix it. The data's been erased." Y/N lied, she alway's kept files on whose stuff she fucked up on her laptop.

"She's lying." Slender declared, looking at the girl admiring her boldness in his house.

"Well, I suggest she fixes it before I eat her kidneys!" EJ growled at Y/N.

"And I suggest you don't fuck with a hacker when their busy." Y/N spat back.

"Child please fix our things. We won't harm you if you do it willingly." Slender offered.

"And if I don't? What will you do hm? Gut me out, stab me, what? Cause boy I don't give a fuck. This is just karma for you serial killers, so fucking deal with it and stop acting like babies." Y/N said refusing to fix the problem.

"Yeah, why don't we just kill her?" Jeff said smiling creepily.

"Child, if you fix this problem we'll let you research in secret here." Slender offered as the Creepypasta's gasped.

"Hell no! This house is crowded enough!" Hoodie said refusing to accept it.

The offer was tempting. Y/N could sell her house for more cash, move all her stuff here, and no person in the outside world would bother her. It's not like she had friends or family, so why the hell not?

"Hm, fine. I'll fix your stuff." Y/N agreed nodding.

"It's not worth it to have another person in this already crowded house Slender." LJ said trying to reason.

"Sorry clown boy. But no one else can fix this issue. Only I have the files on my laptop, which only I have the passcode to, and last I check none of you were tech nerds, so you wouldn't know what the hell to do when you even GOT the files." Y/N smirked knowing she had them beat.

"Child, might you stay in Janes room until we get yours set up?" Slender offered. Jane was still slightly annoyed, but excited a bit for having a girl her age in the house.

"Yeah, that sounds fine. I'll fix your stuff right now." Y/N swung her backpack off her back and grabbed her laptop from it. She opened it up and got the file. Everyone stood waiting and slightly entranced as her fingers glided across the keyboard as their devices began working once more. With the power coming back on last.

"Yay! Thank you miss! You can watch cartoons with me whenever you want!" Sally said climbing up on a chair and hugging Y/N.

"Whats your name Child?" Slender asked at last as everyone listened.

"Y/N, Y/N L/N." You said at last. Yet you had no idea how many times that name would be thought of in your new friends heads.

A/N: Yay, another chapter to save the day! I know the typing changed halfway through. But my phone did something weird and I don't have the protagonists tech skills😂. Anyway's let me know what you think by commenting!

Crazy Genius (Creepypasta x reader)Where stories live. Discover now