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She was tense as I held her. Last night after I finished fucking her onto oblivion, she looked at me with fear. She did this a lot. We would have a good moment together, then she would turn to fearing me again. She mumbled something about "me not being like him" before she went to sleep. As she slept I tried to think of why she was acting this way. It wasn't because of her depression, so it had to be because of something else. Did someone hurt her? That would explain her fear of being in a room with us and her constant back and forth with me. She was thinking to herself again, mumbling as she woke up. I closed my eyes and enjoyed having her in my arms before she got up.

I could feel her eyes on me as she moved. My arm squeezed around her waist, giving her a small sign that I was awake.

"Enjoying the view?" My voice was rough and raspy. My eyes stayed closed but I smiled, nuzzling his head into her neck.

"Hmm yes I am" she whispered back, turning my head back to looking at the sheer curtains.  "Wanna go somewhere today? Just the two of us?" She asked me. I was stunned but happy that she was brave and asked me.

I smirked against her skin, "I like the sound of that" I said before kissing her neck lightly.

"Wanna go the the spencer street DFO? There's Starbucks" she asked me, getting out of my warm embrace.

"Whatever you want babe" I replied, stretching before getting up. Caitey had slipped back to her hotel room as I quickly changed. It was nice to be able to spend time with her and just her.

She was a puzzle that I wanted to put together, a mess in pieces that I wanted to rebuild.

Caitey and I walked hand in hand around the shopping centre. We looked and felt like a couple. We stopped for me to take a few photos, the little kids putting me in headlocks. Caitey watched as I interacted with them, smiling.

We wandered around, I had to chase her after she disappeared into numerous shops. My hands were full with bags from Typo, Windsor Smith, Supre and factorie. Mostly stores I hadn't heard of. She glared at me as I paid for everything, buying her things not from the sale section. We walked in to Starbucks and I sighed with content as the smell of coffee beans surrounded us.

"Feels like I'm home" I chuckled, leading her over to the counter. "What do you want?" I asked her after asking a drink that was completely foreign to her.

"Whatever translates to a caramel latte or the equivalent" she laughed.  "I'm gonna sit" she told me, I nodded and she sat down at a table in the corner. I watched as she placed her shopping bags on the seat next to her before talking to herself.

One of the employees called my name and brought her out of her daze. I sat down opposite her, handing her the large white cup.
I started telling her my favourite coffee shops back home in Iowa, and my favourite ones to go to in the road, trying to stop her nervousness.  Her face dropped and I grabbed her hands.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem down and distracted" I knew she was going to lie to me. Caitey nodded looking down at our now intertwined hands.

"Actually, it's just- today is, well" she started. I squeezed her hand in prompt for her to continue. "Three years ago today, something happened that -well changed everything for me" she finished awkwardly, finally looking up to meet my gaze.

I frowned in confusion, not quite understanding what she was saying. "There was a boy" she said. Oh. My face fell.

"We met when I was in year 12, It was fine, it was great. Then it was like something snapped." She spoke slowly.

I listened as she continued to say how she got a night job to help pay for textbooks, and how he thought she was cheating when she was at work. This explained a lot. My hand squeezed hers continuously in comfort.

"Then it started to get more physical. I wasn't home on time, I was wearing too little." A tear ran down her pale face as I she the next words.

"I still remember the first time he hit me."

I gasped. It all made sense. She was always scared, she wanted to be alone, she feared me.

"It was raining. It was a Wednesday. It was late afternoon, the lightbulb in the kitchen had blown." She recalled, closing her eyes. "I was making notes from my health care and discipline studies lecture. He thought I was cheating whilst at uni." Her voice was shaky, tears rolling down her cheeks. I wanted to beat the absolute shit out of this guy. "He hit me in the nose, then the arm, then he kicked me in the ribs." I didn't know what to say to her.

"It went on for over a year," she let out a breath, I barley heard her say the rest.

"I- I don't know what to say" I finally spoke up, tears running down my own cheeks. I used my napkin to dry her face. "I don't understand how someone could do that to you" I whispered, my hand holding up my her as he kissed her lips softly. "I will never hurt you like that" I spoke against my lips, "I promise."

I knew she wouldn't be believe me at first, but I needed to make her see that in six weeks. She's so beautiful and gentle, why anyone would do that to her I don't understand.

We walked around the DFO for a little longer before returning to the hotel. I knew she needed some time to herself, but I didn't want to leave her. I told her to take a shower and that she would be sleeping with me tonight before she convinced me to go to the gym. I couldn't concentrate as I lifted the weights, the workout almost pointless.

I walked back into my hotel room, seeing her wear my Monday Night Rollins shirt. I smirked at the sight. "I'm gonna take a quick shower then we can order room service?" I asked her. stripping of my wet shirt and shorts. She nodded at me, pretending she wasn't drooling at the sight. I loved how I could get her attention and make her blush so easily.

As I stood in the shower, I wondered how far we could go. I wondered how far she would want us to go. Would we still see each other when I went back to America? I had a lot of questions, but now wasn't the time to ask them.

I emerged from the bathroom in nothing but a pair of loose and low hung grey trackies. I saw my bags next to his and smirked before jumping on the bed next to her. She wanted to be near me, that's a good sign.
"Anything you like?" I asked as she looked at the menu.

She pushed the menu over to me. "I'm looking at the tomato pasta" Caitey said, moving closer and snuggling into my side. I reached over to the bedside table, grabbing the phone.

"Want any dessert?" I asked whilst dialing the number.

She shrugged my shoulders, "you choose." I ordered my pasta, even though it didn't sound nice, my steak and greens, and chocolate cake for dessert. We cuddled whilst watching TV, waiting for the room service. She placed her head above my heart which seemed to be her favourite cuddling position. I liked that she found comfort in me.

After our room serviced arrived, and feeding each other chocolate cake, Caitey was straddling my waist as my hands slip up under her shirt. "I really like my shirt on you" I smirked, moving his hands from my waist to her chest.

She giggled and placed her hands on my chest, "do you now?" She teased and smiled at the growl I replied with.

"Yes, yes I do" I winked. She grabbed my hands and moved them to the hem of her shirt.

"Well maybe you should take it off" she tried to wink, blushing. I chuckled deviously and in one swift motion removed the shirt from her body. All her scars were visible to me. There was so many. A gasp left my lips at the marks left on her body. Her chest, sides, and thighs, damaged. .

"D-did he?" I whispered, pointing to a large jagged cut on her thigh. I knew the answer.

She nodded, taking my hand in hers, running my fingers over the scar tissue.  "A broken beer bottle" she said before moving my hand to under her bra to a large scar that extended to half my chest. "A knife" My fingers to the side of my ribs, "cigarettes" she whispered, closing her eyes.

My hands wandered her body, touching all the scars, running my fingers slowly over them. I flipped us over so i was on top, brushing the hair out of her face.

"I don't understand why he did this, I never will. But I will never mark your skin." My eyes locked with hers. "That's a promise" I whispered, before leaning down and kissing her.

A promise I cannot break.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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