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Eventually, we made it under the covers. I had undressed her and slipped my tee shirt on before we soon fell asleep whilst holding her in my arms.  We both laid awake for hours, thinking we were asleep. Listening to the sound of each other's breathing, the clock ticking on the wall, and people's footsteps walking up and down the hallway outside. Why are we? Part of me was too scared to even ask. I was only here for six weeks and she had a lot of hurt. I didn't want to make it worse.

I got up after six, talking with Jon on the phone about what work out we were doing. Caitey is a light sleeper, and Jon would have woken her up. I was worried about her, there was something else she wasn't saying.

I was silent as I lifted weights. Jon and Joe eyed me as they did their workouts. I wanted her to open up, talk about what was making her act the way she is.

"How's the nurse?"

I stopped and dropped my weights, knowing whose voice it was. I sighed and turned, around seeing ziggler. "What?" I said, wiping my hands on my shorts.

"They sexy blonde nurse" he laughed, "how is she?" He smirked.

I bit my lip in attempt to stop myself from punching him right here. "What makes you think I know?" I glared at him.

"Saw you two on your date" he laughed, walking closer. "Everyone's seen you two together" he said quietly. "But I wonder if he'd heard about your past" he laughed, walking away. I clenched my fist and Jon grabbed my arm before I could run after him.

"Go for her not him" Jon whispered, letting go of me. I shook my head and walked out of the gym.

Caitey was still in bed when I arrived back from the gym. "C?" I called out, closing the door behind me. I kicked off my shoes, and ran a hand though my sweaty hair. Her eyes fluttered closed as I got closer. My hand shook her shoulder in attempt to get her up. "C'mon babe, time to get up" I sat on the bed as she opened my eyes. "Wanna get up and go get some breakfast?" I asked, stroking her hair. She nodded and peeled back the bedding with a sigh, waning to stay in bed all day.

We had a day off to spend doing as we pleased before smackdown. She stood up, pulling my shirt down further. "I ah" she started, gaining my attention as I rifled through one of my bags. "I need to go get clothes" she said whilst awkwardly pointing towards the door.

My laugh echoed throughout the room, "sure babe, I'll come grab you in half an hour?" I winked, pulling off my sweaty shirt. She stared at my chest, all covered in sweat. Blushing, she grabbed my bag and ran at the door as my famous laugh followed. I grabbed jeans a tee shirt before quickly jumping in the shower.

After I dressed, I brushed my hair trying to make it right. Maybe she'd like me to cut it? Why was I all over the place, it was just breakfast. I slipped on some shoes before making sure I had my key card and makes my way to her hotel room.

I was about to knock but the door opened. "Caitey stood behind it, shyly looking down.

"Well someone's egar to see the architect" I smirked, holding his hand out for her. She took it, and I closed the door behind her and lead her to the elevator.

"Oh sush, kingslayer" She winked at me, stepping into the elevator. My eyes sparkled when she mentioned kingslayer. Caitey and I had grown closer, so close in just a small amount of time that I wasn't sure what she future held. "So, where are we going for breakfast?" She me asked as we walked out of the elevator and through the hotel lobby.

I smiled down at her. I towered over her and I loved it. She's so small compared to me, it's cute. "A cafe not far from here, I googled it" I chuckled at the end, wrapping my hand around hers. I didn't want to eat in the hotel restaurant again, so googling random cafe's was it. Her eyes brightened as we walked hand hand I hand, she looked down at our intertwined hands as we walked.

Her Recovery // Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now