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The boys seemed happier that I wasn't so angry, but I was still pissed at Jon. There was no need for his comment. Before we left we filmed a video saying how excited we were to be here, not our idea. Of course we did it shield style. The drive back to the hotel was silent, but comfortable. We just wanted to relax, workout and sleep before tomorrow. Having time apart from each other during the day was important so we didn't end up screaming at each other.

Jon and Joe went straight into the hotel whilst I took some photos outside. I didn't feel bad for this morning, I don't always want to take photos. As I was taking a photo with someone, I saw her. She stood at reception, one of the crew giving her instructions. She looked lost as he walked away. I said goodbye to the fans and rushed inside.

I caught up to her as she reached the elevator, pressing the button.

"Hey wait up" I called out to her. I turned to me with a look of shock.

"Hey" She  greeted quietly, unsure of what to say. I  just laughed and motioned towards her bags

"let me take them for you" I said grabbing them from her grasp before she could disagree. The elevator dinged and the doors opened, "ladies first" I winked, letting her step into the confined space.

"What floor my lady?" I asked with a posh voice, causing her laughed at my bad  attempt on a British accent. I wanted to hear her laugh.

"Six" she replied grabbing hold of the rail as the elevator began to move. My eyes followed my actions intently.

"No need to be afraid, I won't let anything happen to you" I whispered, my hand brushing hers. "Looks like we're on the same floor" I winked, "at least you're close if I you know, start to feel faint again."

She laughed as the doors opened and stepped out of the elevator with me following. She walked over to 603 and awkwardly stood at the door. "Well this is me" she said with a laugh looking up at me as I looked at her with an amused expression.

"Well are you going to open the door so I can bring your bags in for you?" I asked not breaking eye contact.

"Oh the door" she said out loud, not realising. She slid the key card into the slot, the door opening straight after. She walked in and held the door open for me.

"So, what do you think to the arena?" I asked her, sitting on her king bed. Judging by her face she was not used to such a big room.

"It's huge it's amazing" she said in awe as she looked around the hotel room. She opened the bar fridge to find it fully stocked. "Thank god" she mumbled.

I chuckled, "Yeah it is."

"Find something interesting?" I asked nodding the directory with a smirk. She had being intently looking at it.

"Oh yeah there's a salon and you know a pool" she nodded as if it were the most obvious thing ever. "And a gym which is good" she added quietly.

I looked at her, "why is a gym good?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

Caitey shrugged her shoulders, "you know, with the struggle of school I let myself go a bit" she said whilst looking out the window, avoiding my gaze.

"I don't agree, you look good to me" I told her with a confused expression. She looked stunning. She had everything where she needed it.

"Oh well, I'll still go later on" she mumbled, trying to end the conversation. My hand touched hers and she looked at me.

"How about we go together?" I asked with a smirk. Her eyes widened.

"Oh no, it's fine I don't really workout I just use the equipment" She said quickly, waving her hand trying to brush off the idea.

Her Recovery // Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now