We stopped in front of a small urban cafe. It was hipster like a lot of the cafes here. As we sat down I noticed a few fans staring at me. I hoped that they didn't come up to me, I wanted today to be about Caitey.

A waitress in boho clothes bounced up to our table, stunning Caitey with her energy. "What can I get you two beautiful guys to drink and eat?" She beamed.

"I'll have a regular cappuccino and a large full breakfast without the sausage" I ordered, pulling a face at her energetic reaction. I only quickly gazed over the menu, I was more interested in the blonde in front of me.

"Sure thing!" She basically yelled, furiously writing on her notepad that was most likely eco friendly. "And for you, you goddess?" She turned to Caitey. She is a goddess, whether she saw it or not.

"Ahh I'll have a regular caramel latte, and the regular egg and bacon breakfast without mushroom" she smiled up at her. Mumbling something as she left.

I shook my head, resting my jaw on my folded hands in front of me. "So, I swear I didn't know it was this whacky when I googled cafes near me" I laughed, making her smile.

"When do you graduate?" I asked after our drinks arrived. She giggled at me after I drank the coffee. I shook my head and wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"After I finish here, I have exams so a month and a half" She replied, wrapping her hands around the latte glass.

"So a month and a half and you'll be a real nurse huh?" I smirked at her.

She blushed and looked down at the table and nodded, "I'll officially be registered with the nursery and midwifery bored and legal to practice world wide" She beamed at me.

"Maybe you could come practice in Iowa" I suggested, picking up my fork as our food arrived. She looked down at the egg and bacon on toast before looking up at me in confusion.

"Iowa?" She didn't know what Iowa is?

I shook his head, stuffing a piece of bacon into my mouth. "Iowa is where I'm from, in America" I clarified as she made an o shape with her mouth. "You know, maybe you should come to Iowa after you graduate" I was partly seeing if she wanted this to go anywhere.

"Well uh, I've never left the country, I don't even have a passport" Caitey spluttered out, gulping half of her latte.

"Well you can get one, or maybe a visa" I replied, shrugging as I continued to eat. It gave her something to think about, which is better than anything she's currently thinking.

We spent an hour at the strange cafe, simply just making fun of each other on the lack of knowledge of each other's countries. We had stopped in some different shops on our way back to the hotel. I had brought her numerous things, which she protested and didn't win. I saw her eyes light up at everything I bought her as she saw it on the shelf. I smirked as soon as her eyes landed on the lingerie sets. The red would look amazing on her skin. Picturing her in it almost made me drag her to the change room. She argued with me again but I bought her a black and a red set, knowing I'd see them on.

When we returned to the hotel, She immediately got ready for smackdown, and I watched from her hotel bed. "You know, you should wear this under all that" I said slowly as she had her back to me, I held up the red lingerie set I bought earlier as she turned around. Her cheeks turned red.

"No, Colby" She laughed, running towards the bathroom to hide her embarrassment.

"Come on, no one would know" I teased seductively, coming closer to the bathroom. "Well no one but me" I whispered, leaning against the door frame. She shook my head and continued to straighten her hair. "Please" I almost begged, taking the straighter out of her hand, turning it off.

I pulled the puppy eyes card and she couldn't say no. She ushered me out, locking the door. She's going to put it on and feel amazing, I'm going to show her how amazing she is later.

The door opened and she stood in her scrub clothes. "Finally, you take forever. I'm gonna grab my bag then we're meeting the guys out the back at the car" I said, picking up Caitey's bag and opening the door.

"Why are you guys going to smackdown?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

I just shook his head and motioned for her to walk out the door. "Don't you worry baby, just keep patching us up."

Since we weren't actually suppose to be here, Jon had this great idea of hiding in the small toilet at the back of the treatment room. We could have just hid in a room instead of all three of us in one tiny space. There wasn't enough room for us all to stand. Jon sat on the toilet with the lid down as Joe and I awkwardly stood beside him. The miz had being trash talking us, and we don't tolerate that. I listened to see what was going on outside. By the sounds, AJ Styles was there probably after another low blow. Jon tapped on the door quietly, telling her we wanted to be let out. I heard her telling everyone they could leave before closing the door.

"Alright you can come out now" she said and the door flung open, Jon literally jumped out.

"Thank god" he sighed, over dramatically.

"This is the last match" Joe informed me her adjusting the straps on his vest. "I wouldn't suggest you try and leave early" he warned before heading for the door.

"We're going to interrupt a little, take care of some business" Jon clarified, joining Joe. She nodded my head, unsure of what that meant.

"Wanna come to the gorilla and watch?" I asked, holding out my hand. Caitey nodded and took my hand walking to the gorilla. "No one knows were here, so we're going to leave you here and see you after the match okay?" I kissed her cheek before leaving with Jon and Joe.

We walked around the arena, careful not to let anyone see us. Only the tech people knew we were here. We waited by the stairs, until the lights went off, fans screaming at the sudden blackness.



We walked out, everyone staring at us confused. We walked down the stairs, people slapping my back and crotch. Why have they always got to hit my crotch? I jumped over the barricade and stalked up to the ring, surrounding the two men. The miz stood in the middle, his hands up begging us not to touch him.

Think again.

As soon as my foot stepped over the rope, Jon and Joe jumped on, running over to the pathetic excuse in the middle. Joe speared him straight away, Jon not waiting for him to get up as he pulled him up off the mat before giving him a dirty deeds. I stomped on his head just for fun before Jon and I pulled him up in front of Joe. I don't even think he was conscious. Joe dropped him, staring at him in disgust before we slid out of the ring and disappeared through the crowd.

Caitey arrived back at the treatment room just as we did.

"Did you like our masterpiece?" Jon asked with a smirk before grabbing his bag.

"Yeah, it looked painful" she said unsure before packing up some of the equipment. We didn't have time for it, needing to make a quick exit.

"Leave that, come on" Joe said grabbing her hand, stopping her from packing up medical supplies.

"But, shouldn't I stay for that guy?" She asked in a small voice, not wanting to get into trouble. All three of us shook our heads as we stood at the door, impatiently waiting for her.

"Come on babe, don't worry about him" I said grabbing her bag and taking her hand, pulling me out of the room. We made a quick exit though the arena, only being seen by crew. We got into the awaiting car outside just as some smackdown members came to the back entrance.

"Don't worry about the babe" I whispered, kissing her kneck. She blushed, looking away from Jon and Joe. "I can't wait to rip this off you" I roughly growled in her ear, pulling at the red bra strap.

The architect was feeling good tonight, and she was going to find out.

Her Recovery // Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now