CHAPTER 2: Franks meets the Ways

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Frank's POV

I got out of bed earlier than usual, it was around 5am. Ugh too early, especially on a school day. However accepting the fact that I would never get back to sleep, I got up and made my way to my bathroom.

Once showered I got dressed in my black skinny jeans, red converses and Iron Maiden t-shirt. I sorted out my dyed black hair by spiking it up at the back and sorting out the bit that hung over my eye. I applied my eyeliner as usual and attempted to cover up my split lip and black eye. Not that it mattered. The bullies would just give me more anyway. I was a 4"9 emo fag.

My dad was especially drunk last night and I happened to be in his way as usual.

Yeah my dad beats me. I've accepted this for a while although it took longer to accept than it should have. This has all been happening since I was 10 years old. My mother died when my father pushed her down the stairs. The police thought it was an accident though and ever since my dad gets drunk or high and beats me. He blames me for her death every day and it still kills me every time I hear those words.

I glanced at my clock and noticed I had 10 minutes to walk to school. I quietly made my way downstairs. Good, my dad is passed out on the sofa which was where he has been all night. I grabbed my bag before running out the door and making my way to school.

I was almost at school when I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I spun around expecting a punch but was relieved to find the friendly face of my best friend- Ray Toro. My one and only friend but I was also his only friend so I guess that was okay.

"Fuck! Ray you scared the shitty shit shit out of me!" I exclaimed whilst grabbing my chest, trying to calm my thumping heart.

He smiled at me apologetically "Sorry little dude. I called out to you but you seemed lost in thought. Say, what happened to your face?"

Shit. "What do you mean?" I asked as innocently as I could. He raised his eyebrow at me as if to say 'do you think im a fucking idiot?' Which, unfortunately, he was not. Sometimes I hate having such a smart and wise friend but I wouldn't change him for the world.

"Well, your lip is split and your eye is bruised. Who did this to you? I will kick the shit out of the bastard that did this to you!" His voice rose as his ranting went on, his face turned slightly red.

That's why Ray is such a good friend, he wouldn't hurt a fly until someone hurts someone he cares about. Then shit gets real. I have known Ray since we were babies, he knows about depression and my struggles and even about my mother's death but he doesn't know about my dad. He would end up murdering my father, or he would make me go to the police.

I know he suspects my father though. I sometimes come to his house with bruises and cuts and his mother ends up cleaning me up. I tell them it's bullies though. I can tell he has his doubts. He has never told me but I can tell he knows.

"You can't protect me forever, Torosaurus. Not everyone sees what an amazing person I am" I joked to try and lighten the mood and to lessen his anger slightly.

I felt awful for lying but there are just some things that not even my best friend should know. He studied me for a few seconds before, thankfully, dropping the subject.


Making our way to school, the looming building came into view. Ray walked closer to me in a protective stance as we walked through the school gates. I got the occasional 'Fag' and 'Emo' but I learnt to ignore the comments, as much as they hurt me inside I never let it show on the outside. Finally we walked our way to our lockers which were next to each other.

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