Chapter 1

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for the last week harry has been jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom as he hugs the toilet tightly

"harry are you ok" anne says

"no mom" harry says as he hunches over again and throws up

"how long have you been feeling sick" anne says

'like 3 days" harry lies

"well go back to bed you might have gotten food poisoning or the stomach flue" anne says

"yeah ok" harry says as anne helps harry up and takes him to his bed

"im going to make breakfast, if you dont feel better i am taking you to the doctor" anne says

"thank you mom" harry says as he lays down and falls asleep harry wakes up that afternoon feeling alot better as he hears a knock oh his door

"how you feeling" anne says

"better" harry says as he looks at his phone and sees its 1 in the afternoon" mom did i sleep all day"

"yeah, louis,and the boys all called me, told them you were feeling sick they wanted to come over but i told them not too, since i wasnt sure what you had" anne says" jay called and suggested chicken soup, it helps soothe your belly"

"thank you mom" harry says as he yawns and falls asleep again as anne walks out of his room

"harry, son, wake up" anne says as she shakes harry away

"huh what" harry says "what time it"

"its 5:30" anne says" come downstairs for dinner"

"mom im too tired" harry says

"how can you be tired you slepted all day" anne says

"i dont know but i am" harry says

"come down for dinner, niall dropped off you homework" anne says

"alright i just need to use the restroom" harry says as anne walks out and harry gets up when he is done he goes downstairs, goes into the kitchen serves himself his plate and sits down

"how are you feeling" robin says" your mom said you been sick"

"yeah probably something i ate" harry says

"one of my coworkers has the stomach flu and we have him locked in his office" robin says

"that is mean" harry says

"yeah but we dont want to catch it" robins says

"mom what time did niall come" harry asks

"like 3:30 he said louis had a dentist appointment, and jay didnt want him to come incase you had the stomach flu doesnt want to girls to catch it or louis" anne says

"i know" harry says" i hate to see them sick too"

"alright when you are done, do your homework and then off to bed" anne says

"im done, do we have any oreos" harry asks

"yeah, but i thought you didnt like oreos" anne says

"i dont but they sound good over cherry chip ice cream with caramel sauce" harry says

"alright then" anne says as she starts to stare at harry

"mom where are the anchovies" harry says as anne walks into the kitchen

"anchovies" anne questions

"yes anchovies" harry says as he pulls out a jar of pickles and jalapeños"never mind i found them" he says as he pulls out the small glass jars" hmm olives"

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