3. session in new york

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Day Three

    Loki was going mad. Utterly mad. How could they lock a god inside this stupid tower- how dare they think they could hold him down.

    He had been stuck inside for eight whole weeks. When he saw you pass him in one of the hallways, he voiced his discomfort about being kept in the tower like a caged animal. You told him to hold out until next week's session. Your conversation confused him, but he was intrigued anyway.

    The day of your session had left him jittery, both with the fact that he was wanting to leave the tower and in anticipation as to what your session was going to be like.

    It went like this,

    Loki arrived early as always to the cozy lounge room. You arrived just ten minutes later, wearing an autumn favoured hat and fur-lined jacket. You rushed in and pulled him to his feet excitedly. You told him to follow silently, and keep an eye out for people.

    He did so, and together you snuck out of the Avengers tower.

    Being outside wasn't as delightful as he thought it would be considering the rush and loudness of New York. But he was content that his first breath of fresh air in eight weeks was with you.

    You didn't stop there though. Linking arms, you dragged him to nearby shops and buildings. You would point out pretty objects or artistic displays. The two of you would stand side by side as street performers showed off their talents.

    Loki experienced everything. He saw how difficult it was to order a tea in a cafe. He saw people bustling around with shopping bags galore. He had a ride in a yellow taxi.

    Everywhere they had gone, you could always still see the Avengers tower. And as they were making their way back walking arm and arm, you made a detour.

    You brought him to a little yellow and red stand. Leaving him to sit on a small brown bench, you walked ahead and talked to the vendor for a moment. The man smiled and nodded while you dug your wallet out from your pants pocket.

    He handed you two things wrapped in some sort tin foil, pocketed the money you gave in exchange and waved goodbye.

    You made your way over to Loki, who was sat patiently on the bench in his clean, dressy, dark clothes. You placed yourself next to him, partially leaned on his side and handed him one of the packagings.

    He was quite surprised when he opened it.

    You told him it was an authentic American hotdog. You told him this with a mouthful of your own.

    He thanked you and took a bite as the two of you got up and started back on the path to the Tower.

    You asked what he thought.

    He told you that interestingly enough, it was delicious.

    It only took a minute or so to get back to the tower. You had barely finished your hotdogs as you had also been chatting with Loki, asking him questions- any sort of questions like what were his preferred shoes.

    He didn't have an answer but he appreciated the effort.

    As the two of you walked in to the lobby area of the tower, almost the entire team greeted you at the door.

    As expected, they were beyond angry. They had been worried that Loki had kidnapped you or something (when really it was the other way around). You argued with Tony for a few minutes- telling him that Loki wasn't a monster that needed to be on constant watch and he was allowed his freedom.

    Thor, who had been staying in the tower to keep an eye on his brother, wasn't paying attention to the argument. Instead, his focus was on Loki.

    Loki was standing off to the side, holding your hotdog while you fought with the team and taking small bites from his hotdog every now and then. He had a new light in his eyes, and a very miniscule smile.

    That was all that Thor needed.

    The blonde quickly broke apart the fight and defended you and his brother. Everyone was a little reluctant to snap at a god so they just grumbled and dispersed. Tony mentioned though, the only way the trickster god was allowed out is if he is with someone.

    It was good enough for him.

    Soon, you and Loki were left alone to finish your hotdogs. He thanked you for the day while you threw away your wrappers. You said it was no problem, and that it had been the most fun you'd had in a while.

    And with that, your session was done. Loki bid you a goodnight, and you went one way while he went the other, very content with the day's experience.

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