2. second session

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Day Two

    The next day, Loki was in the lounge room early to meet with you. And was rather relieved when you did, in fact, stumble your way in. He had been half expecting you to also quit after what had happened with his previous therapists.

    You had a bag over your shoulder that seemed heavy for some reason, Loki got up from his chair and helped set the bag on yours.

    You smiled at him, a gleaming smile. As if you were excited to start.

    Loki couldn't understand why.

    You asked if he wanted a cup of tea again. And again, he accepted.

    While the both of you settled on your chairs with cups of tea, you pulled a few things out from your bag. A sketch pad and a few art instruments. Pencils, shading pencils, erasers. Things like that.

    Loki was even more confused when you handed them to him.

    "You told me last time that you drew. Draw some sort of picture."

    You didn't say what kind of picture, so Loki improvised while you spoke.

    Again, you didn't ask questions about his attack. Instead, you asked what he had done since you last saw each other.

    Not much since he couldn't leave the tower. The rest of the team still didn't trust him.

    You asked him what sort of things he liked to draw.

    He told you he preferred animals or something realistic. People were always to difficult though, as most of the time they wouldn't stand still long enough for him to get anything down on paper.

    You asked what his family was like.

    He answered that he used to be much closer to his brother. Until their father gave him a truth that tore them apart.

    He wasn't ready to tell you that truth- though he was almost certain you already knew. But you allowed him that privilege of not answering a question.

    He appreciated it.

    He drew and chatted along with you as if it came naturally. He wasn't used to this feeling. Being asked these meaningless questions instead of 'why did you do this, you could have killed everyone'. Well actually, they weren't meaningless questions. Quite the opposite actually.

    The session continued this way, you asking small questions and him drifting his hand across the page, occasionally picking up a coloured pencil.

    Then, the session was over and Loki had finished his drawing. It was a green snake wearing a Santa hat that was wrapped around a cup of tea. He said he also remembered the questions you had asked last time and decided to try basing his drawing on that- but he didn't know what hot dogs looked like, so he couldn't draw one. You laughed and told him you loved it anyway and the effort in it was beautiful.

    He thanked you, you said your goodbyes and then parted ways yet again. You let him keep the sketching equipment- to give him something to do while he was practically a prisoner in the tower.

    Loki waited excitedly for your next session.

THERAPY SESSION ⇀ ( loki laufyson ) ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin