1. therapy session

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Day One

Loki wasn't comfortable with people of that sort. Those people that asked questions. Asked him why he did what he did. If he was completely sure he wanted to be better or if it was just another trick of his. These questions just made him more angry. That wasn't going to help anyone.

He was pleasantly surprised though, when he met you.

The room was clean, comfortable. It was homey, deep reds and browns. It was nice. Loki had to admit, it was cozy. Somewhere he could see himself spending time.

He sat stiffly on one of the leather brown couches, unwilling to move or show any sign of what he was thinking. And when you walked in, he half expected you to be like the other three people he had seen (all of whom quit their job before the end of the first week.) But you were different. You didn't sit down and try to make him feel small. Instead, you treated him with civility, asking if he wanted anything to eat or drink, maybe a cup of tea.

He accepted the offer and you made him a cup of tea, which he took gratefully.

Then you sat and asked him questions. But you didn't ask about his attack on the world. You asked him things like his favorite colour. Kind of an easy one as it was green. What was his favourite animal? He said it was a snake, as it brought upon fond memories of childhood. You asked more questions such as that. Favourite food or drink, hobbies, or maybe a holiday.

You got simple answers. Food, he wasn't sure but he had been wanting to try American 'hot dogs'- which he wouldn't admit to anyone else. A drink was probably the tea you had made for him, he was sipping on it every ten minutes or so. Hobbies, not many but he'd tried drawing and didn't mind it all that much. Holiday, he didn't really celebrate any.

You gave him your own answers, Loki found himself enjoying the conversation- to his own surprise.

Soon enough, time was up. You both said your farewells and left the room.

You were well known among the Avengers, as some form of family. They were very reluctant to let you see Loki, as a matter of fact. But you insisted and said they shouldn't judge him simply based on one act of defiance.

You were the resident therapist, the heroes would find you in their time of need. Now, Loki could almost see why.

And for some reasonv, he was looking forward to your next session.

THERAPY SESSION ⇀ ( loki laufyson ) ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora