Keith nodded and leaned up to kiss Lance, humming as he pulled away, “it says that I leave in August for basic.”


Lance paused slightly, “how long is basic?”


Keith shrugged, “four years I think? Two for practice and book work and two for physical stuff, well for the pilots anyways.”


Lance bobbed his head slowly before hugging his boyfriend again, he hope Keith didn’t feel the tears that rolled on his shoulder. Could Lance let him go for four years?




Two Years Later


Lance groaned, his head face first in his pillow as his phone sounded from it’s location on his wooden night stand. He blindly swatted his hand to his phone, attempting to hit the snooze button without having to rise his head from it’s location. He exhaled sharply when his phone fell on the floor, the sound being slightly muffled by his carpet, shit, he lifted his head slightly and reached over the bed, grabbing his phone with his fingers. He squinted at the bright light that filled his eyes and turned off his alarm, falling back on the bed with a muffled noise.


5:45 is too early to wake up, he remained unmoving for a few more seconds, fighting the urge to succumb back to sleep, before pushing himself up in a weak push up. He managed to get his legs out from underneath him and scratched his head tiredly as he stood from the bed. He had been waking up this early for a few months now, but no matter how many times he did, he had yet to get used to it. He slowly began to get changed, pausing when he heard footsteps of the stairs, listening to then disappear into another room.


At least Ashley is awake, he slide a black t-shirt over his torso and fought back a giggle as he smoothed it down. Keith would kill him if he saw him wearing this, even after dating for roughly two years, he still didn’t like it when Lance wore his clothes. Lance rubbed his face and entered his bathroom, quickly brushing his teeth and applying his lotion. It was about 6:10 when Lance finished his routine and he quickly made his way down the stairs, heading straight to the kitchen, siding his apron on with ease. What to cook today,he scanned the kitchen, his eyes falling on a frying pan, we haven’t had eggs in a while.





“What we cooking today Lance?” Ashley came floating into the kitchen, her hair tied in a tight bun, she wore he standard black ripped jean, with a sleeveless red vest, making sure to show off her new tattoo; a pastel blue planet, a few stars surrounding it, it was put on the side of her left shoulder and she made sure to show it off whenever she could, after all Camillia drew it for her.


Lance barely spared a glance at the other women, simply moving to grabbed the bacon of the counter, “eggs, bacon, and toast.”

The Universe Put us Together For a ReasonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora