Ooo, this sucks - Author

"Helena I have to leave." I back away from him, the shower running over our heads.

"Excuse me?"

"I have to go, it's just for a week, myself and all the guys will be gone on a little job. It's secret." I sigh, trying not to freak out. It was just for a week, what was there to freak out about?

"That's quite alright, care to spend time with Blake before you go."

"Of course, Love." The shower turns off, and we both step out, fluffy towels wrapped around our bodies. He presses a chaste kiss against my head, and follows me out of the bathroom.

I want to say something about it, I want to know. I deserve to know, don't I?

"Mommy!" Blake runs towards me, her smile wide and very noticeable. She jumps into my arms and I hug her tightly.

"I had so much fun!" I thank Devin and Kylie, still felt bad that I had left Blake with them. But it seems she's had fun from the looks of it.

Angelo comes out and Blake runs towards him, his eyes wide as she knocks him over when he leans down. I chuckle as she hugs him tightly, his newly cut hair all messed up now.

He lifts her into his arms, carrying her over to the couch and cuddling. Devin motions me out of the room as Kylie glares at him. Quite suspicious.

"Has Angelo told you?"

"Leaving for a week, yes."

"Well, it might be for a month."

"Hell the fuck no, he didn't tell me that." I cross my arms, eyes narrowed. Devin scratches the back of his head and sighs, obviously already went through this with Kylie.

"Let me be honest, I hate that we all have to go for a while, but trust me. It's for good reasons." I still wanted to smack Angelo for lying all over again.

"Kylie will be staying with you." Devin sighs, he knew I wasn't letting up, I could tell from the look on his face.

"Well, that's the only good part of it."

I walk back into the room to see Kylie scrolling through a social media site on her phone, and Angelo blinking a lot. He only does that when he's nervous, or anxious.

I sit down on the couch, Blake coloring on the coffee table in front of us. Devin sits in the other chair, biting his lip as he makes eye contact with Angelo. They were scared.

"So, Kylie, did you hear they were leaving for a month?"

"I believe I did, Helena, what shall we do about that?" We turn our heads towards them, and Angelo frowns, seeing the front door and going for it. He trips over the rug and sails towards the ground.

"Fuck!" He groans, laying on the ground.

"Karma is a huge bitch!" Kylie yells, rather loudly.

"Mommy, what's a bitch?" I glare at Kylie and she starts laughing, as well as Angelo and Devin.

"A bad word."

"And a female dog." Devin adds.

"Shut the hell up Devin."

"Mommy, what's hell?" My hand connects with my face as I quite literally facepalm.

"A place, sweetie."

"Helena, you are messing the fuck up right now." I look at Angelo in horror.

"Mommy, what's fuck?" Angelo answers before me, sitting in front of our four year old.

"It's when a mommy and daddy slap bodies together and let their..-"

"Angelo! Not at this age!" He sighs, and continues, "Also bad words, if you say them, no ice cream!" Blake shakes her head no, and goes back to coloring.


Angelo lays beside me in the bed, Blake sound asleep in her own already. He clutches my hand, smiling softly.

"I'm so sorry."

"No, no."

"Yes, yes."

"I love you."

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