Chapter 5

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Laney's POV
It was like I was living a dream ever since I ran away. Stefani had been so nice to me, like nothing I had ever experience before. I was thankful that she took me in. Who knew what I would be like if I had never thrown myself in front of her car that night. In a way, she almost reminded me of my sister. My sister was always nice to me and she made me feel safe. It was bearable with her back at home with my father but after she left, I couldn't stand it anymore. For three years I was slowly getting to that breaking point. Everything was worse without her. Since she wasn't there to help me with my grammar and my speech. I had finally reached my breaking point three days ago and here I was. It had to be luck that got me here. Just pure luck.

I was downstairs this morning as breakfast was being made. I was in the living room sitting on the window seat, looking outside. I could see someone's house beside us and their front yard as long as some of the street. I liked watching cars go by and people walking their dogs or whatever. It let myself slip out of reality a little bit. Not that I needed to now. Reality was the best that it could possibly be. The best it had ever been.

"Laney, breakfast is ready." Stefani approached me with her signature smile. I turned around to face her and nodded my head, copying her smile.

"We can eat outside on the back deck if you want?" She said. I thought it over for a second.

"Okay." I responded. I followed her to the kitchen to grab our food and then we went outside. She probably noticed that I had been looking out that window for a while now. She probably thought that I wanted to be outside and to be honest, I was never outisde much and whenever I got the chance, I loved to be outside. I liked how she thought about what I wanted. For once it was about me too and not only my father and what he wanted.

I sat beside Stefani outside on the deck. She had a really nice backyard. It was pretty big with a pool and a garden at the back. She probably had the best house on this whole street.

"So, how are you enjoying it here so far?" Stefani asked to start a conversation as we ate. I smiled, thinking about what the past few days had been like.

"I am really happy here and you are really nice." I told her. She smiled back at me before she spoke again.

"I'm glad and thank you for thinking I'm the nicest person on earth." She giggled and I could see a small blush on her cheeks.

"It is true." I said.

"If you say so."

We went silent for a minute, enjoying each other's presence. I liked the fact that I didn't have to be alone all the time anymore. I had someone to keep me company and she was a pretty great person. I wouldn't have ever imagined that I could end up meeting someone as great as her.

"I'm a little curious... do you have any siblings?" Stefani asked after a moment. I furrowed my eyebrows at her question. I wasn't quite sure how to answer. I had heard the word 'siblings' before but right now it just wasn't clicking.

She noticed that I wasn't understanding it and rephrashed her question.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

Thanks to Stefani, I remembered what that word meant now. I nodded then replied.

"Oh. Yes, a sister."

"Really? I have one too. She's super sweet." She smiled. "What's your sister's name?"

"Lyla. She is seven years older. She is like you... almost." I said, taking a bite of my food as my smile vanished slightly. I hadn't seen her in years. I really missed her even if she did leave all of a sudden those three years ago.

Stefani furrowed her eyebrows and I could imagine just what she was going to ask next. I prepared myself to answer her question the best I could.

"Why is she so much like me?" She finally spoke up. It seemed as though she was hesitant on asking the question but in all honesty, I didn't mind.

I looked at my plate momentarily, noticing I had eaten all my breakfast before I actually spoke.

"She cared...  a-and you care."

Gaga's POV

What Laney said this morning wasn't leaving my head anytime soon. I had been thinking about it for hours now. This young girl was so sweet and I was sure from everything she had gone through so far that she could say only nice things about me. I knew it had to do with her situation but it almost seemed like she was a little monster meeting me for the first time. Of course she wasn't obsessing over me but she was starstruck by me. The only thing she had ever known for most of her life was hate and abuse except for her sister so in a way, it was a reasonable reaction to everything I'm doing for her.

I just wish I knew more. I wanted to help her. I wanted to know if she even would want to be adopted by me.

I hadn't got up the courage to ask her that question yet and every time I thought I might, I realized that maybe I should lay off on the questions. I asked a lot of questions because I was always so curious all the time. I didn't want her to feel like she was being interrogated or have her think I was creepy.

But it was fine. I would find a way to ask her about adoption. First I would probably have to find out about any close relatives that would possibly want to take her in as well. The adoption agency wouldn't let me take her if her relatives didn't say yes.

I sighed, not wanting to have to figure it all out right now. I was tired, exhausted. I didn't mind staying up with Laney to make sure that she would be okay to fall back asleep. That wasn't making me tired. It was the fact that I never really got to sleep after that. I was too busy worrying about everything.

Suddenly, the sound of my phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts. I put the book down that I was 'reading' on the coffee table and started the search for my phone. I could never keep it in one place. I was surprised I hadn't misplaced it in public yet. That would be down right stupid for me.

I looked around beside myself on the couch. It wasn't there. I got up and searched around the living room. Chairs, the floor... Not there.

The ringing stopped but I still needed to find it so I decided it must be in my bedroom. I turned around to go upstairs when I finally see it sitting between two couch cushions. Was I sitting on it?

I sighed, feeling stupid, when it started ringing again. I pulled it out of the cushions and answered the call in one swift move.


"Hey, Stefani. It's Bradley. I just tried calling you. Busy day?" One of my good friends, Bradley Cooper, spoke through the phone. I smiled.

"No, actually I had just misplaced my phone. I've got a couple free days right now too."

"Alright. Well, I wanted to talk to you about something..."

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