Chapter 11: The End

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~Normal POV

"Klaus if you'll just let me explain!"

"Tell me where you are right now, Sunny!"

"It's a long story-"

Sunny heard the sound of frantic voices over the phone and the voice of Isadora took over, "Where the hell is my daughter Sunny?! So help me god if my baby is hurt-"

"Izzie they're fine! They're all safe with me!"

"Tell us where you are," Isadora demanded. Sunny had never heard her so pissed off.

Sunny took a deep breath, "Look I will explain everything when we see you guys but for now we're on the Queequeg and we're all together."

As expected, Fiona's voice took over, "Put my stepfather on the phone this instant!"

Sunny flinched at the harshness of her voice. Anyone who knew the Baudelaire/Quagmire family was well aware that Fiona was one to watch out for when she was angry. Sunny was often in awe at how much that woman could swear in one sentence; despite the fact that the adults tend to hold their tongues around their kids to teach them proper manners. She reluctantly agreed and went back over to where the captain was driving the ship.

"Um, Captain sir? It's Fiona and she wants to talk to you right away..."

He gave Sunny a wary look, "How mad is she?"

Sunny only nodded her response. That was all the captain needed to know that he was about to get an earful. He took the phone and Sunny could only watch as his stepdaughter screamed at him through it. She could barely hear what she was saying but it didn't sound pleasant. This went on for several minutes. Everyone else who was in the room could only imagine what was being said as the captain looked pale and scared of his stepdaughter's fury.

After some time apparently someone else took over on the other end of the conversation. The captain hung up and handed the phone back to Sunny.

"Change of plans," He said, "We're dropping you off at the harbor, and their parents will be waiting for us. Beatrice, call your mother and have her arrange transport for the kids' friends. We'll be arriving there within a few hours."

As Beatrice pulled out her own phone to call her mother the captain leaned over to Sunny and added, "By the way, Violet and Klaus said you're grounded."

"I suppose that's fair."


When the Queequeg arrived at the city harbor everyone exited the submarine with mixed emotions. The submarine with its crew of three now quickly departed from shore as soon as its passengers were on the shore. Captain Widdershins was obviously not interested in sticking around with his very pissed off stepdaughter here.

Sunny was scared of whatever other punishments she was going to receive from her family members when they heard the full story. Nikki, Lizzie, and Sam happily rushed to their parents' arms; their parents fussed over every little aspect of their appearances to ensure they weren't hurt. Kit had arrived in her taxi to take the other kids to their homes and to take Beatrice with her. Hunter also left with Beatrice and her mother, as Kit said she would take him back to Hotel Denouement to continue his volunteer training. This left Sunny and Trevor alone with her family; awaiting the inevitable screaming that was going to ensue.

Sunny and Trevor were told to get into Violet's car as Duncan drove; the others would be following them home in their cars. Nikki gave her aunt an apologetic look as they were driven home. None of the adults had dared to speak to Sunny yet. She could tell they were all filled with relief after seeing their children safe, but they also looked like they were holding their anger in.

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