Chapter 3: New Friends

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This chapter takes place where the kids are. Begin!


~Normal POV

"Nikki, Lizzie, wake up!"

The two girls awoke to the sound of Sam's panicked voice and looked around. They were in a cage, not the warm comfort of their family home. Lizzie was now thankful that she had forgotten to take off her glasses before bed last night so she could see. They could tell they were in a cave based on the rocky walls behind them. The only source of light in the area was a few lit torches on the wall across from their cage. The last thing the three kids remembered was waking up in the middle of the night to three masked strangers breaking into the room, via the window, and knocking them out before they could call for help. They had fallen asleep in their day clothes as well, due to staying up late the previous night.

Lizzie immediately started to tear up, "Where are we?"

"I don't know... I just woke up," Sam replied, "My head is killing me."

"Mine too," Nikki said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Oh, Aunt Sunny is probably so upset..."

"Hey, Liz I'm sure Aunt Sunny and Auntie Beatrice will find us in no time," Sam patted Lizzie's back comfortingly.

They sat for a short while in silence together trying to keep their spirits up. Lizzie was fighting back tears, and Nikki was scared beyond belief. Sam was worried for their safety; he would never let anything happen to his family. And yet here they were, in a dark, cold cage inside some kind of cave all alone. What had they done to deserve this, they thought. After a while of silence, a voice interrupted it from the side wall of their cage.

"Hey, you're finally up," The voice said quietly.

Nikki, Lizzie, and Sam turned to see another cage close beside theirs with three other kids inside. The voice that spoke belonged to a girl just their age who was sitting at the cage bars closest to them. The three crawled over to her, and noticed the two other kids were asleep. She had long dark red hair that went down over her shoulders gracefully, pale skin with a few freckles across her face, and hazel eyes. In the dim light, they could see she had a pleasant smile on her face despite their situation. Sam couldn't help staring; she was actually pretty cute.

"Hi, I saw you guys get dragged in and I was hoping you'd wake up soon."

"How long have you been here," Nikki asked.

"I've been here for at least a week now I think... It's not like we have a calendar or anything. The other guys in my cage got dropped in around the same time as me. It's nice to see other friendly faces though. I'll see if I can wake them up."

She turned to the other two boys in her cage and gently shook them awake. Once the two woke up they joined her at the side of the cage. One was a pale boy with messy black hair and blue eyes, and the other was another pale boy with messy dark brown hair, and green eyes covered by black-rimmed glasses.

"What are your names," The red haired girl asked.

"I'm Nikki Quagmire."

"I'm Elizabeth Baudelaire, but everyone calls me Lizzie."

"I'm Samuel Quagmire, but you can call me Sam. We're all cousins."

"It's nice to meet you guys," The girl reached her hand through the bars politely; "I'm Lily Taylor."

When Sam went to shake her hand he did something unexpected. He had seen his father Quigley do it many times to his mother Fiona; she seemed to really like it too as it always made her happy. When he asked about it once, Quigley had told him that it was simply a gentlemanly greeting for when you meet a pretty girl. With that thought in mind, Sam decided to greet this pretty girl the same way.

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