Breakthrough (Part 14) Vergil

Start from the beginning

Vergil counted on them to enter the building the same way they'd come in the first time, through the Hamptons office. In the opening from the office to the warehouse, they set up a tripwire as low to the ground as possible. On either side of the opening, net launchers had been set up to launch weighted nets to encircle The Invaders long enough for Vergil to pounce on and incapacitate them.

Vergil felt lucky; hunting was such a big industry in Lancet Falls.

As far as Vergil knew, The Invaders didn't know anything about Lisa, so they had Lisa waiting on the roof of a building next door. Vergil told her to look for wonky looking suits or some fresh suits from Hampton's while he and Albert would post up in the middle of the showroom floor with their backs turned to the office door. Vergil hoped they would see he and Albert's exposed backs and use it as an opportunity to pounce, and the Invaders would have to not notice the tripwire.

Too many what ifs, but it's the best I've got.

Vergil swelled with pride at his ability to set up a MacGyver-like contraption on such short notice. Now, all they had to do was wait.

He and Albert passed the time as they always did, arguing about movies. Vergil sat criss-cross applesauce as they argued about the rankings of the six Star Wars movies, and how well the new ones fit into the mix. Albert enjoyed all the new additions to the universe while Vergil felt like the original trilogy were the only films of any relevance. The conversation gobbled up time and went leaps and bounds into calming Vergil's fragile nerves. For better or worse, he felt a conclusion was within reach.

The crackle of Lisa's voice filtered through garbled static announced that two suspicious figures were approaching.

"They're not anyone I recognize," she added.

"Describe them for me."

"I...can't. They're so bland that there's no distinguishing features that stand out."

"That's them," Vergil said.

A determined smile set on his face. His fingers jittered, and he clenched his hands to calm them. The energy the pho had bestowed upon him swirled inside him pleasantly.

Time to prove myself.

Vergil thought he heard the sound of a door opening, and continued his conversation with Albert at a louder volume. The feeling he had the last time he was in this position washed over him. He waited for the the comforting click and whoosh of the net launchers to go off.

A minute dragged by. Nothing. 

He didn't dare risk turning his head now. If the Invaders had stuck around, he might spook them. 

Another minute agonizing minute crawled by. Still nothing.

Vergil debated turning around and charging at them, but decided to wait one more minute. His every muscle was clenched waiting for the perfect moment to spring. The culminating moment was within his grasp.

Click and whoosh. The sound of a door opening.

Vergil turned on his heels and leaped towards the doorway, using enough energy to propel himself fifteen feet across the room. He barreled through the open doorway. There was no one there. No netted figures. Vergil's momentum carried him into the office.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw movement and twisted out of the way of an arm trying to jab something into his neck. He couldn't tell what it was, but he knew he didn't want it to touch him. 

There's two of them.

Vergil dropped to the floor and rolled forward, not a moment too soon. He felt the passing of air over his head as another failed strike drifted overhead. Jumping to his feet, Vergil turned to face his assailants.

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