Chapter 2 - Nexus

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She was average height and had medium length straight brown hair, which merged into blonde halfway down. Her powers were varied in a strange way, since she could do a large number of things but had to recite a phrase in order to do so, like casting a spell.

She'd explained to Nexus before that when she was fairly young she woke up one day feeling as though thoughts or memories had been implanted in her mind, since she suddenly knew exactly what to say when she needed to cast.

It didn't make a lot of sense to her, but no one's powers seemed to make any sort of sense to their hosts.

Quinn and Daigo were the only ones with powers working under Nexus, and both just so happened to be the only two he trusted enough with the location of his home. He was extremely close with them, and trusted them both with his life.

Daigo was loyal and friendly towards him, as was Quinn of course, but she had a habit to freeload and hardly ever commit to anything she wasn't interested in.

Nexus was living his life like he usually did, it was fairly early in the morning, having not hit mid day yet, and Quinn was over at his house lounging on the couch in the main room.

Nexus was fetching something from the room he dubbed his office. It was surprisingly tidy, yet he still had trouble finding the folder he was looking for. Eventually he did however, and walked back into the living room to sit opposite Quinn, dropping the file onto the table as he exhaled slightly.

Quinn was spread out along the couch, her legs crossed over the armrest while she entertained herself by spinning a pen between her fingers. She glanced over at Nexus as he sat down, then eyed the file curiously.

"What's in there?" She asked, though she wasn't particularly interested in the whole documentation side of the work they did.

"Records. About one of the dealers I do business with. There's an important exchange going down today, I just have to make sure everything is foolproof." He explained, picking up the file and taking out a few pages of info.

"You are waaaay too cautious. Who cares about all these bloody records and files and shit like that." Quinn complained, like she did frequently whenever she witnessed Nexus get all caught up in his operations.

Which he often did.

"You know, you would be one hell of an asset to this organisation if you learned to understand the importance of secrecy. Daigo does, and look how well off he is." Nexus said, receiving a look of distaste from Quinn in return "Telling me that I'll end up just like Daigo makes me want to do the exact opposite of what you want."

Nexus let a small smile cross his face but still shook his head at her comment "It never ceases to amaze me how I can be so close to the both of you yet you have such a burning hatred for one another." "I don't know why you like him so much. I'm surprised he even has the guts to be associated with someone like you." Quinn stated, letting her thoughts on Daigo to be completely clear, as she often did.

"He's trustworthy, honest, and a good friend. So what if he's occasionally a little soft. He actually had a Mom growing up, unlike the two of us. He's not the one to blame." Nexus said, leaning back slightly as his mind began to wander to the times his friend had stuck by him.

"Whatever you say, all I know is that one day, that softness of his is going to get in the way. And I'll be there to say I told you so." Quinn said firmly, which Nexus couldn't help but look a tad bit smug at "And I'll be letting you know you're wrong until that day comes."

The pair locked eyes for a second, staring each other down, before Quinn let out a small snort of laughter and broke her gaze. "Anyway, what's your plans for the day?" She asked him, standing up and moving to the kitchen to get herself something to snack on.

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