Chapter 9

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Shadow's p.o.v.

It took us almost the entire day, but we still haven't found the damn bitch at all. Hide nor hair, not even a little quill or track. We are literally searching like we're blind! It doesn't help how we know now that Sonic has a death penalty on his head and was innocent! I always thought the brat had a screw loose but I didn't think it was this bad. How were we supposed to know that she would turn into a... murderer? Just then I thought I saw a glimpse of pink and called Rouge.

"Rouge, I got a glimpse of her. She's close."

"Roger that. I'll keep my eyes in the sky. Over and out."

Rouge's p.o.v.

Once I got the message from Shadow, I swooped down lower so I was flying just above the treetops. We kept the search going and didn't stop until we would get this over and done with. I always thought Amy could be called crazy for calling Blue her boyfriend and said they were meant to be together. Guess she read the signs wrong. At least she found her target but mistake it for love instead of death. It's strange though, we couldn't find any leads where she would be and had to trust each other in order to find her. Just then I got a flash of pink and I signaled to Tails behind me that she was close and he gave a salute to dive down into the trees. As I kept searching above he searched below.

Tails p.o.v.

Searching in the air does become helpful, if you know what your searching for that is. Shadow took the east, Knuckles west, Rouge and me the middle in the air and D and Sonic on the ground behind us. I always thought that Amy was a very... abused fan of Sonic's and wouldn't take no for an answer. She became a good teammate at times and even gave Sonic something to run from. All those times, I honestly, never expected her to try to kill Sonic but instead anyone around him that would dare make a move. But it sure is strange though, not even her scent can be found anywhere. It just doesn't make any sense. She could literally be anywhere! Then I caught sight of a flash of pink so I called Knuckles.

"Knuckles, I think I see her."

"Alright. I'll keep an eye open in case I spot anything."

Knuckles p.o.v.

It felt like forever for finding that crazy, pink fan girl that she calls herself Sonic's girlfriend. Sure she's a friend of Sonic's, but girlfriend is a little too crazy. Sonic always thinks of his friends as equals and not more, not less. Heck, he can be annoying but at least I like his company at times. But Amy is just too much. She's even more annoying than Sonic is and that's saying something. No footprint, quills or even scent could be found anywhere. It's behond weird, more like strange or even... I don't know how to explain it. I got a glimpse of pink headed back towards D and Sonic so I called them before calling anyone else.

"D, I think she's heading in your direction."

"Don't worry, I won't let her get anywhere near X."

"Be careful, and don't get to cocky." I heard some chuckles in the background.

"Who do you think I am? X? The only way she could get by me, is to somehow make me fall asleep."

"Just a warning."

"Yeah, yeah. Whate..." their was static after that


"Come and find me." said a voice that sounded like Amy. I rushed off while calling everyone to backtrack and get back to D.

Dll's p.o.v.

It sure is strange how there isn't any starting point to go off of. Yet, we're still searching for the taint. I made sure to keep X close to me at all times just to be safe. Until I got a call from the echidna. I got the communicator from the kitsune so we could keep in touch. Just to be on the safe side.

"D, I think she's heading in your direction."

"Don't worry, I won't let her get anywhere near X."

"Be careful, and don't get to cocky." X only looked at me and snickered 'You little...'

"Who do you think I am? X? The only way she could get by me, is to somehow make me fall asleep."

"Just a warning." we stopped cause I thought I saw a flash of pink.

"Yeah, yeah. Whate..." I turned around and got kicked into a tree. I felt something prick my arm and my head started to swim.

"D?" I tried to answer but I couldn't move my body. I got a glimpse of X being put inside of a metal thing. He looked to have got knocked out as well.

"Come and find me." Said a voice that I could barely recognize just before I blacked out.

Sonic's p.o.v. (A little while later...)


Pain is all I felt.

How can someone feel so much pain?

The simplest answer is they don't know.

Before I felt so much pain, I was following D to find the runaway taint.

He was busy talking with someone when I saw a pink thing move towards us.

D stopped with me.

I tried to get a closer look but was meet with a sharp pain in my arm.

I couldn't move anything.

The nightmare I had kept replaying itself over and over in my head.

Some tears that I couldn't control came out.

I fell to the ground thinking 'Why? What did I do to deserve this?'

I heard some words being said before I fell asleep.

Next thing I knew, it felt like I was moving and found metal blocking my view.

I still couldn't move.

Everything was a blur.

I heard some more words being said.

I felt some more movement.

Then, pain.

I still couldn't get my body to work.

The pain eventually went away.

I felt something touch me on my neck.

Some more words.

Another pinch in my arm.

I fell asleep again.

When I woke up, I felt hungry.

All I could think was 'EAT!'

I felt HUNGRY and I wanted to EAT!

Some words were said, I didn't listen.

I want to eat and I want to NOW!

When my vision came back, I could see two figures.

A pink hedgehog and a tall man.

They look edible.

The tall man looks nice, plump and juicy.

Something was blocking my arms and legs from moving.

I struggled to get out of the things that felt like metal.

It hurt. A LOT!

I couldn't stop tears coming down my face.


Then I felt free.

Free to do what I want.

I saw the figures stand in front me. 'The tall man could crave my hunger.'

I attacked.


Pink figure was backing away.

More figures.

I was still hungry.

They would become my meal.

One figure glowed.

I attacked.

They fought back.

I WANT TO EAT!!!!!!!!!!

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