Ch. 77 (PG-15, S): Bedtime Stories

Start from the beginning

Brigid: "Come in." She whispers as she rocks baby Douglas her her arms after feeding and burping him.

Brigid wears her night dress with a shawl over her shoulders.  Her own baby boy Arthur is fast asleep in his crib next to her bed.

Margaret smiles at Brigid and goes to her, while John stands quietly at the threshold--him not wanting to disrupt the baby's night time routine, but understanding his wife's need to see to their children's tending herself.

Margaret: "Douglas is still awake?"

Brigid: "Barrrely.  Douglas has just fed and he wants to go to sleep--but he is fighting it.  Would ye like ta hold him a bit, Mrs.? Being in his Mama's arrrms might soothe him to sleep."  

Brigid has said the key words that brighten Margaret's incandescent countenance as she takes her new baby boy Douglas into her arms. Holding a baby--especially one's own baby--is a joy that transcends all others.  This little life entrusted to she and John is Margaret's last chance for a baby.  And she will cherish each moment she has with him.   John smiles at seeing his Margaret's joy.

Margaret: "Mama is here for you, Douglas."  Margaret whispers soothingly into her baby son's ear, brushing her lips upon his warm rosy cheek, inhaling his smell, imprinting him into her heart.

Baby Douglas: "Hhhh!  Ohw ha!"  The baby sighs and tries to stifle a yawn even as he wiggles his fingers.  Then he settles down to sleep.

Margaret:  "Ohh!  He went to sleep." Margaret beams at Nanny Brigid.

Brigid: "Aye!  Ye have the gift, Mrs.  And baby Douglas knows ye arrre his Mama."  Brigid smiles knowingly at Margaret--one mother to another.  Margaret smiles and nods her thanks.

Brigid gently lifts the sleeping baby into her arms and then places him in his bassinette.  Then Margaret leans in and tucks the blanket around baby Douglas' little body.

John holds out his arm toward his wife.

John: "Come, Margaret.  Let us leave the children and Nanny to their rest and go to bed as well."  He smiles lovingly at her.

Margaret nods and goes to her husband. Then in taking his outstretched hand, she turns once more to look back at her new baby son and smiles.  John caringly caresses her shoulder.

Margaret: "Thank you, Nanny Brigid."

Brigid: "My pleasurrre, Madam."  She smiles warmly at the so obviously in love young couple--John and Margaret.

John: "Thank you, Nanny, and we bid you good night."  John says cordially.

Brigid: "Goodnight, Sirrr." She nods respectfully.


As John and Margaret walk back to their bedchamber down the empty hallway, John possessively snakes his arm around Margaret's waist and rests his hand upon her curvy hips encased in a silk night dress and quilted cotton robe.  They smile shyly at each other, then enter their bedroom.  The room's comfortable elegance is enhanced by the glow of firelight [(4) right]--and no child bed in front of the sette, thinks John.  They each go about their nightly routine before getting into bed.  Margaret sits at her vanity mirror and removes the pins from her hair, brushing it out and then plaiting her long auburn hair into one loose braid that she allows to fall loosely over her shoulder. 

While unnecessarily checking his diary on his nightstand, John lovingly watches his wife's nightly ritual. He notices her hair pins are neatly placed into an open pressed tin.  Then she gives her hair twenty five brushes, until it shines lustrously, and only then does Margaret loosely braid her hair to avoid it tangling while she sleeps at night.  John unties his robe, then smiles as he walks over to stand behind his beautiful wife Margaret--his hands lightly resting upon her robe covered shoulders.  They gaze at each other in her vanity's mirror.

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