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We embarked on our short journey, Guy and I leading the way. "So..your friends. What are they like?" Kylie asked curiously. Guy chuckled. "Well, they're eggs. But we love them." I nodded in silent agreement, grinning. "And we'll give you all the names once we finally get there..but for now just know that they're cool people. Or..I mean kind of. They're not cool-cool. But they're cool." He turned to Kylie. "Know what I mean?" I shared a glance with Kylie and noticed her confused expression. Her cute..clueless face. Wow.. I mean! Anyways.. Regardless, she replied with a nod. "Totally, I know exactly what you mean!"
We pushed through a few more corridors, and opened numerous heavy doors before finally reaching our spot. The others waved us over. "Hey guys, who's this?" Jack raised an eyebrow as he bit down on a carrot. "This here is Kylie." I grinned and put an arm around her. She felt so small and cute.. "Today's her first day at our school so..I figured she'd be able to sit with us." Glancing around at everyone's expressions, I could tell they were eager to get to know her more. Happily, I gestured for Kylie to sit down and clapped my hands together. "Alright, so. Introduction time." I glanced around at everyone. "As Kylie already knows Guy and myself, who else would like to go?" I questioned, looking pointedly to Morgan, Jack and Mimi. They each shared a stare with one another until Mimi finally shrugged and stood up. "Hey, I'm Mimi. I'll just share some things about myself because I'm that bitch." She snorted. "I really enjoy rom-com's and have spent many a school night binging shows." She sat back down and shoved Jack, gesturing for him to go next. "Ow! Jeez.." He coughed and stood up, scratching his head. "Uhh..hey, I'm Jack. Guy and I saw you and Tui outside my photography class in first period." "Oh! Yeah, I remember that..!" Kylie squeaked, laughing awkwardly. She averted her eyes as Jack continued. I felt so weird seeing her like that..almost a hint of jealousy again.. probably was nothing though. "Yeah..well, mm. All there is to me is that uhh..I'm a big rugby guy? Yeah. I like rugby. Cool." He gave a thumbs up and sat back down. Morgan looked up from a book she'd obviously stuck her nose in to tune out the intros. "Hm? Oh..! Is it my turn?" She asked rhetorically, closing the cover to her novel and standing up. "Well, hi! I'm Morgan. One thing about me iiis..ooh! I really enjoy writing poetry! I-it's a bit of a stress reliever I poetry is just neat, I guess. So..yeah." She smiled brightly and sat back down.
"So, Kylie. Tell us something about yourself." Mimi said between bites of a muesli bar. My eyes darted to Kylie and I noticed just how nervous she really was. She hadn't seemed like this when it was..well. Just us. On our tour. "O-oh, yeah sure. Just let me think..I'm not all that interesting, really." Her cheeks flushed. "..I guess one thing about me is that I utterly hate public speaking with my entire being." Everyone chuckled in response and some of the tension in her shoulders seemed to leave. "I can one hundred percent relate." Guy laughed, grinning widely. I smiled happily to myself, hopeful of the fact that everyone was getting along. Not that I thought they wouldn't felt good. To have her bond with them. B-because she was my friend! And I liked her! Not like-liked her- I mean..
The rest of interval passed, with hearty jokes and catching up. The bell interrupted our conversations and led me to groan. "Well..I guess that concludes our scheduled bant session. See you guys at lunch?" Everyone nodded and headed off to their separate classes. Except.. "Hey Tui, wait up!" Kylie tugged on my sleeve, forcing me to stop. "What's up?" I turned back to look at her, immediately noticing how close she was. My eyes scanned her face, clearly seeing that she wanted to say something. Something important. But the words never came. "O-oh I- nevermind." Her face turned a bright pink, and she looked away. "I'll see you later..!" She laughed hesitantly and walked off to her class. I started walking again, but couldn't shake the question - 'what did she really want to say?'

The school day droned on. Lunch was an enjoyable break from it all but in the back of my mind I kept asking myself the same question from earlier. As well as that, I kept getting these weird vibes from Kylie. Or..weird feelings. I felt like my day lit up when she smiled..and I felt like I was floating when she spoke. They just kept getting more and more intense. I..what if I did like her? I mean I was sure- I was positive- that I didn't..but maybe..?
"So, what do you think Tui?" Guy asked, quirking an eyebrow and smirking. He knew exactly when I was spaced out and always seemed to be a dick about it. "Oh uh..yes? Totally. I agree, yeah." I nodded uncertainly and everyone's eyes turned to me. They each shared a glance with one another and burst out laughing. "Oh, so you think Kylie is pretty fly?" Mimi snorted loudly. Had I heard that right?- "What did you just say?" I asked, feeling my face heat up by the second. "I said, so you think Trump is a cool guy? Jeez dude. You feeling okay?" A lump formed in my throat and I turned away. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired I think." I shared a glance with Kylie and noticed her worried expression. My smile seemed to soothe her worries for the time being and she rejoined the conversation. Sighing, I tuned out for the rest of lunch and, once the bell rang, went to my fifth period class.

The last school bell finally rang and we rushed to the entrance gates, waiting for our bus to show up. Kylie stayed with us and chatted. It was nice to know that she was fitting in so well. But it also meant that I'd end up needing to face..whatever these feelings were, eventually. Just not yet. For now I did enjoy her company. So much..
As the others were talking amongst each other, Kylie spotted me thinking to myself. "Hey, I wanted to ask earlier but..are you really okay?" She scooted closer, asking so no one else could hear. I laughed and nodded. "Yeah. I'll be fine, honest." A sorrowful smile appeared on her face, not reaching her eyes. "Okay, if you say so." Kylie fidgeted and shifted her weight between her feet. It seemed as though she wanted to say something, similar to before. She must've internally decided against it as she said nothing more. "Oh, by the way- I'm really glad you're getting along with the group. It'll be good to see you around more.." I smiled down at her. "O-oh! Yeah I- yeah. I look forward to being with you more as well." She blushed immensely and giggled nervously. I realised why she was blushing almost immediately. "I-I meant as friends! Yeah. It'll be so great to see you more and..get to know you. A-and be besties!" I punched her softly in the shoulder. It almost seemed as though she was disappointed, but she smiled and nodded. "Yeah..besties."
"Bus is here!" Someone shouted out. Everyone began to 'queue' up for the bus, pushing and shouting their way to the front. I turned to Kylie and smiled. "Text me later, yeah?" I said warmly, to the response of her blushing face. "Yeah." She waved and began walking off. "BYE KYLIE!" Jack shouted, joined by Mimi, Morgan and Guy waving enthusiastically. Laughing, I followed suit and waved again. Her face lit up as she continued walking, looking back all the while to wave.
Eventually, after what felt like an eternity of waving, we got into our seat on the bus. I quickly put my earphones in and began listening to some tunes. Which was sadly interrupted within seconds by a nudge of my shoulder. "You all good?" Guy looked at me, concerned. "I know I was a douche about it earlier but I want to know if you're okay." I grinned half-heartedly and gave him the 'okay' sign. "I'm fine man. I promise. You'd be the first to know if something was going on." Which was true, for the record. He was always and would always be the one I turned to about..well, everything. For a brief second, I wondered. Maybe he could help me out with my..complicated feelings. However, not at that very moment. I still didn't even know what they were, really. I sighed and went back to listening to my songs, occasionally participating in the banter, yet mainly keeping to myself.

Eventually, I arrived home. "Hey Tutu." My mum piped up cheerfully from the kitchen. I groaned. "Mum- seriously. That nickname is so embarrassing. It's longer than my actual name anyways!" I walked past her into the living room, swiping a piece of bread from the countertop on the way. Mum shrugged, and places a hand on her hip. "Fine. Got any homework then, Tui?" I grinned at her appreciatively. "As a matter of fact, no, I don't." Not any that I was going to do, anyways. "So, I'm going to go to my room and sleep. Because I have no homework." I shot her a quick peace sign and walked up the stairs to my bedroom.
Tossing my bag down to the floor, I quickly changed out of my uniform into something more comfortable. I checked myself in the mirror and sighed, flopping down onto my bed and whipping out my phone. A while went by where I just checked social media and answered a few messages. Until I finally got through and saw it. A text. From an unknown number.
'Hey Tui, it's Kylie! How's it hanging?'
I sat up and panicked slightly, not knowing what to say back. I shouldn't reply right away, should I? No! I had to wait a few minutes before saying anything. That was basic texting knowledge. But I didn't want her to get the wrong idea and think I didn't like her.. I mean not that I did like her! Not in that way. She was cool, nice! She was a great friend..! And very cute, overly nervous and easily flustered.. with really nice hair and a sweet smile.. But anyways! I needed to reply somehow..
'heyy kylie. its p good over here. how're you after your big first day?'
I pressed send and immediately held my breath.
'I'm doing really well actually! I came home to an empty house so for once, instead of watching TV in my room..I'm watching TV in the lounge ;)'
I felt myself grinning.
'oh wow, what an upgrade. and a total mood lmao. whatcha watching?'
'Nothing special. Just anything that pops up really. What are you doing atm?'
'haha nothing much. i basically just got home soo i havent exactly had a chance for anything'

We continued talking for what felt like hours, all through dinner and her parents arriving home. The entire time our conversation somehow never seemed to hit a lull. It was filled with silly jokes and what at times even felt like..flirting. Talking behind a screen was just so much easier. I checked the time and quickly tapped out a message.
'since its literally 2:37am, i think im gonna hit the hay lol. ttyl x'
I waited patiently for a reply, rubbing my eyes and yawning.
'Oh wow. Time kind of flew by! But yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. ❤️'
Once I read her text I smiled and placed my phone down, letting it charge for the night. I rolled over and pulled the covers up, quickly falling into a happy sleep. Mainly because of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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