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We stayed doing our separate things until the bell finally rang to signal the end of class. "Off to form-time now, guys." Guy said, closing his book loudly and shoving it into his backpack. " might I find my class?" I asked as the two packed up. "Still new here." An awkward laugh escaped my mouth. Tui held her hand out and I paused, slightly confused. "Let's see your timetable." Oh. That made more sense than.. I fished around in my pocket for the folded piece of paper and handed it to her gingerly. Her eyes scanned downwards and I swear I saw them light up a little. "I- well. You're in the class right across from me.." She scratched her head and coughed. "I mean us! Guy and me. Haha." Tui quickly handed my timetable back. "Oh! Cool, we should..all walk together then, I guess." I smiled. Tui nodded and swung one of her bag straps around her shoulder. Shoot, my things were still sprawled across the couch. I hurriedly tossed my sketchbook and pencils into my backpack, zipping it up. We then began our journey to class.
"So, how do you feel about this school after being in an actual class?" Guy asked after a short period of awkward silence. "It's much more chill over here. Back in the UK, or at my school anyway, there weren't really any 'study' classes." I paused and thought about it a little more. "I think it was much stricter as know? Your school is very laid-back by the seems." Tui laughed hysterically at this comment. It wasn't that funny..was it? Guy very clearly shared my confusion and the two of us looked at Tui, silently demanding an answer. She stopped giggling and glanced at us both. "Oh it's just..our school isn't that laid-back, is it? I mean yeah sure- we have study and everything. But the uniform! I's so ugly. And our teachers. They fucking suck." Tui turned to Guy. "Aye? Our school isn't that bad." Guy disagreed as we turned around a corner. "Half of the teachers are fine and the uniform isn't the worst."
The three of us turned around a corner. Tui and Guy both stopped at a classroom. "Alright, this is our class. We'll wait out here afterwards for you." Tui flashed me a small grin, sending slight butterflies into my stomach. I needed to focus! Less on her cute smile and more on..not letting things happen again. "Sounds good. See you in a bit." I waved politely and walked across the corridor to my own class.
The teacher seemed to be nowhere in sight, however a few students were already piling in. I followed the small crowd and chose my seat - near the front of the classroom. My bag was placed underneath my desk and I sat in silence, waiting for the teacher. "Hey. You're new, right?" A voice from behind me asked. I whipped around, slightly startled by the very American accent. "O-oh, yeah. I am." I said, analysing her. She had dyed hair, and a very pastel sort of dressing style. It's like she'd come out of one of those stereotypical American films.. "Ooh, I love your accent! I'm Nona by the way, who're you?" Nona said, flipping her hair. Gross. "Thanks..? I'm Kylie." I held out a hand to shake her's and she returned the gesture. Her hand felt clammy and it was covered in jewellery. Bracelets, rings, I believe there may have even been a safety pin on a chain. Either way I didn't like it. And I didn't like her. Right from then- she Fake, I suppose.
Our small talk was interrupted by a swung open door. I faced the front of the class again, seeing the teacher. "Kia ora class, hope you had a lovely holiday!" The class groaned in reply. "Ohh, what's with that racket?" He chuckled and placed his bag at the front desk, sitting down in his chair. "Okay..I'll just do the role first and then we can talk about your 'lovely' and 'very existent' social lives." A few snickers were heard. He opened up the computer and logged in, pulling up the role call screen with everyone's names. His eyes scanned the classroom as he ticked off names. "Where's Bree?" He questioned. A hand shot up from the back of the class. "I'm here Mister." She said softly. "Ah, gotcha." He went through the list and finally came to my name. "We have a new student it seems. Kylie, Kylie..Kylie..there you are! Hello." After ticking my name off he turned to me. "I'm Mr. Kea. I don't know if you've met her but yes, I am Mrs. Kea's husband." I nodded and waved. "Hi, and- yes I've seen her." He chuckled. "She's quite hard to miss, aye?" Grinning, he stood up and grabbed a piece of paper from his desk. "Alright now, before our catch up here's the notices." Mr. Kea read through notes from different sports teams, clubs and teachers. I zoned out and started to day dream. While he did have a fun and entertaining voice..I just didn't really relate to any of the topics he was bringing up. I didn't love sports. And clubs were a bit too..boring, I suppose. My mind began to drift through different thoughts. Thoughts of home, school, many thoughts of her. It's like she was engrained into my brain already. Tui Henare. Why did I even like her? I barely knew her! Plus it wouldn't have even worked out anyway..not after last time. I wish none of that had happened. I wish my parents hadn't found out and...
"Gee, you're a social bunch, aye?" Mr. Kea said sarcastically as he placed the notices down. "It's not our fault we hate doing stuff, Sir!" A boy yelled from the back of the class, grinning. "Ah, but you can always strive to! Participating can be fun, Jesse." Mr. Kea sat back down at his desk and looked around. "So. Anyone got any fun stories from the holidays?" He turned his computer off and glanced from face to face. "Kylie! How about you. What's it like to be at a new school? And in a new country, I assume?" I paused. "Well it's's not that different from the UK. It's..nice over here. I-I like it." My voice sounded much quieter than intended. Lovely.. "Well I'm sure we're glad to hear you like it." Mr. Kea laughed and asked another student how their holidays were. I went back to daydreaming. Well, that is until I was interrupted again. Did anyone know what peace and quiet was over here?
"Soo..Kylie. Got anyone ta hang out with at mornin' tea?" Nona batted her eyelashes at me, making my insides cringe a little. "Yes. I do, why?" I replied, slightly annoyed. She could obviously sense my irritability as she seemed- well, offended to say the least. "..I was just gonna offer a seat with my friends but that's fine. Hmph." Nona folded her arms and turned away. I sighed and faced the front again, glancing towards the clock. And only one question came into my mind. 'When would the bell ring?'.
It seemed the bell gods were listening to my the bell rang directly afterwards. I cheered internally and grabbed my bag, tucking my chair under the desk neatly.
"Alright kids. Have a fun first day back and remember we have assembly in last period." Mr. Kea said, holding the door open for everyone. I walked out of the classroom first, seeing Tui and Guy. Waving, I smiled at the two of them and caught up. "Hey, how was your first- oh great." Tui stopped herself and seemed to have been looking over my shoulder. I raised an eyebrow and looked back. "Do you know Nona?" I asked, turning to face the two of them again. They both nodded and looked disgusted. "She's a royal bitch! She used to be our friend but..she stole one of our other friends' boyfriend." Tui tsked. "It'd have been fine if it was done when Mimi and Dean had broken up but..Nona fucked Dean while they were dating. And she wears it like..some badge of honour." Guy folded his arms and glared at Nona as she walked past. Seeming weirdly unfazed, Nona smiled at both Tui and Guy, giving them the finger as she left. It's like she hadn't even seen me. "Anyways! Let's not think about that whore." Tui said happily, clapping her hands together. "We shall now show you to our group!"

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