Chapter 7

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Graysons POV

I slowly and seductively walk towards Madi, giving her a smirk and a heated gaze. Pushing her up against a wall, I kiss her neck, tracing her collarbones with my tongue. She moans and wraps her legs around my waist. I support her ass with my hands and grind my aching bulge into her core. And then two knocks sound on the door, causing Madi and I to break apart.

'Sir, we have to leave in the next hour if we're gonna make the flight." Mason says through the door.

I growl out "Fine. Now leave." 

I try to go back to kissing Madi's neck but the mood's broken and she just pushes me away.

"I know you wanna make out, Gray, but I still have to pack and say goodbye.

Madi's POV

Feeling depressed, I start to pack my belongings somewhat slowly, remembering all of the memories I have of my home and pack. I pack the basics, knowing that my summer clothes would not work for me in Washington. Grayson comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Are you almost finished packing? We have to leave soon and I want you to have a proper goodbye." he murmurs against my neck.

"Yeah I finished packing. Can we go downstairs?" I ask

"Sure thing baby." he says while picking me up.

"Grayson! Put me down! What about my suitcase!" I squeal 

"I'll have Mason grab it. Besides you need to say good by." he says

That instantly sobers me up and I think that Gray can tell.

"I'm sorry baby. I know you don't want to go, but trust me, it'll be alright." he tells me softly

He carries me downstairs where my family and friend were gathered. I run up to my mother and father, giving them a huge hug.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much." I murmur as tears stream down my cheeks.

"Don't cry, baby girl." my dad says, while kissing my cheek.

I move onto Patrick and give him a quick hug, knowing that if I linger I will piss Gray off. I step back from everyone and give them a watery smile.

"Please call me. I'm gonna miss you guys so much." I say as my voice cracks

Gray pulls me close to his body and we walk out the door. He opens the door for me and we both get into the back seat. By now though, my silent tears has turned into full blown sobbing.

"Shhhh. You're gonna be alright. I love you so much, Princess." Grayson murmurs against my neck.

I bury my face into his chest, and cry until we get to the airport.

Grayson's POV

It practically killed me to hear Madi cry, but I knew that we'd both feel to much pain if she stayed in Cali and I went back to Washington. We boarded my private jet and I immediately took her into the bedroom. I lay us down on the bed and hold her close to my chest. 

"I'm sorry baby girl. I don't want you to be in so much pain. It's killing me." I whisper to her.

"It's okay. It just hurts really bad right now." she sniffles.

She falls asleep quickly and I grab my IPad and start to work. As of late, there have been multiple rogue attacks on my land, and there are rumors that rogues are banding together, creating their own pack, with a leader called the Alpha of rogues. Currently, my pack is the largest in the world, but if all rogues were to band together and fight my pack, we'd be about equal. Fortunately though, most rogues are not trained and would be easy to fight.

Before I know it, the three hour flight ends and our plane touches down, landing at PDX. I wake Madi, and carry her out to our car. Thankfully the drive from Portland to my small town of Halesfield is short. By the time we stop at my house, Madeline is fully awake.

"Welcome home, babe" I smile at her

"I can't wait to explore." she says excitedly

"I can give you a tour if you want." I tell her

"Nah, I'd rather make you find me." she says with a mischievous grin, as she runs away.

Madi's POV

I run through the front door, running harder than I ever have before. The house is freaking huge though. I turn right into a hallway, and run up a flight of stairs. Turning left, I see a small linen closet at the end of the hall. Quickly, I burrow myself under sheets and blankets. I can hear Gray walking up the same flight of stairs I just ran up with.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." he calls out, and I can hear lust in his tone, which instantly send a current of pleasure straight to my core. 

Listening to his footsteps, I think he walks up the second flight of stairs. I quietly walk out of linen closet, only to slam straight into something solid. Or should I say someone solid.

"I wouldn't have found you if I hadn't smelt your arousal." he tells me huskily, forcing me to clench my legs together.

He pushes me up against the wall presses his lips against mine hungrily. I run my hands up and down his back, sending shocks and tingles down my arms. He nibbles on my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I refuse. Suddenly, he grabs my ass making me gasp and allowing him access to my mouth. He explores my mouth with his tongue, making me whimper and moan. finally, I take dominance over the kiss and start kissing my way down his neck, and before I can stop her, my wolf takes over and marks him as he marks me.


This will probably be the only update for today (depending on how late I stay and how bored I am)

but I think i make it up with a little bit of steamy action. Please ignore my grammar mistakes because they could be worse. And please vote/read/comment/share this story. I'm thinking about doing a goal for you guys to meet so that I will update. Anyways, thanks for reading, Kenzie Rae <3<3<3

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