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"Well, I guess this is what I'm doing tonight." I look at the pile of clothes stacked and scattered all over my room I roll my eyes and just let my self fall on the bed with exhaustion.

It's Christmas break and everyone is out well except for my parents and I. Even my little brother is out how unbelievable. I stare at the ceiling and just think about how much of a lame teen I am.

Everyone is out doing something and here I am trying To fix my clothes on a Friday night.

After laying there for a couple of minutes I hear my phone go off and I reach for it.

"It's from Stephanie." I say in confusion. She hardly ever texts me, I mean we're friends but not too close.

I open the message up and all it said was
'Hey' I roll my eyes as I look at the message. I hate when people text me and start the conversation off slow, like just tell me what you need.

I reply back and after some small talk she finally tells me...

'So I'm having a bonfire at my house tonight if you wanna come.' I look at the message and then the time


"Ughhh" to be honest I don't know if I want to go like I have to get ready and then drive all the way up there and she lives thirty minutes away, I don't know if I want to go through all the trouble of also having to socialize.

'Okay I'll be there, thanks!' I reply.

"Wow Danielle just wow, you gave in quicker than what you thought." I say to myself.

I start thinking about what to wear. I really don't know. I shouldn't go too over the top its only a bonfire.

But what do you wear at a bonfire? I think to myself.

Alright maybe just a hoodie, leggings, and a T-shirt. Yeah that should do it. It's really casual, lazy even but my hair and makeup will make up for it I guess.

After a quick hour of getting ready it was finally time for me to leave.

"Bye mom I'll be back in a couple of hours." I say to my mom as I peek in her door. Not really going all the way in cause I know she'll hold me up for at least fifteen minutes and I already wasted too much time.

"Alright be safe." She says as she looks up from her phone.

I finally make my way to Stephanie's house and see lots of cars in her drive way as I pull up.

I was getting a little anxious but whatever I didn't know these people and it was probably the first and last time I'd meet them.

Or so I thought.

I get out of my car and gather my things and make my way to the front door which was wide open for anyone to come in or go out.

I walked through and there was a couple of guys playing video games. So I made my way to the kitchen.

I thought she said a bonfire this is a freaking house party. I think to myself.

I look out the window and see the bonfire going on. It was huge and there were a lot more people around it.

I looked around and tried to lean closer to the window to be able to see better when I finally spotted Stephanie.

"There she is." I whisper to myself as I make my way out the back door.

I finally reach her and see that she's talking to this guy who is actually cute. Well to be honest all of the ones I've seen so far have been cute.

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