Bizarre Love Triangle

Start from the beginning

"There must be. There is. Do not insult my intelligence by feigning ignorance."

"Like what?"

He reached across and took hold of her wrist, pushing the sleeve of her sweater up to reveal the rune tattoo, like it were an exhibit. A piece of evidence. His fingers against her skin made every nerve in her body tingle, and she felt a blush sweep her face, but she bristled with irritation.

"I explained about that." She stated, a little shakily.

"So you did. And then later that same night, you claimed you wanted me."


"You willingly kissed me."

"I did, but--"

"We shared an extremely intimate moment--"

"We did, but it has to end there!" She sputtered.

Loki's expression darkened, and he dropped her wrist as though he'd just been bitten by a venomous snake. "Because of the boyfriend. Pathetic!" He snarled. "Human idiocy. Such blinkered sentimentality! You spoke once of every woman's yearning to feel wanted. To feel loved. To feel special. And yet it is becoming increasingly apparent to me that he lacks the ability to make you feel any of those things."

"This isn't just about Greg. Even if I wasn't with him, I wouldn't have slept with you, Loki. I don't want just casual sex anymore. I want more than that."

His eyes narrowed. "Casual sex? I'm not entirely sure I understand the concept. Surely there shouldn't be anything remotely casual about engaging in sexual intercourse."

Darcy sighed, squirming slightly with embarrassment. "We talked about it a bit, in the tattoo studio, remember? It's no-strings sex. Meaning you're not in a relationship with the person you sleep with."

"Yes I recall that conversation. And I told you then that personally, I find meaningful sex much more fulfilling. When there is an emotional attachment."

"Yeah, me too. But, we're not dating. There's no emotional attachment is there? You're not my boyfriend, or my lover, so--"

"Just so we are clear, define the difference between a boyfriend and a lover?"

Darcy thought for a moment, her small brow scrunching in concentration. "Well, a boyfriend is someone you're in a monogamous relationship with. A lover is someone you just have sex with. And it doesn't have to be monogamous, for obvious reasons. That's how I'd define it anyway."

"So, am I right in saying you do not want a lover?" He ventured, cautiously.

"Yes. You're right. I don't. I want emotional attachment. I'm in....well, I'm supposed to be in a monogamous relationship with Greg. He's my....he's my boyfriend."

"Yet you fornicated with me, Miss Lewis."

"Ew. Can you not use that word, please? It sounds really seedy and gross." She pulled a face, as she was wracked with mortification.

He leaned in closer so she could feel his cool breath against her flushed cheek, and his voice dropped lower. "Word it how you will, it doesn't alter the fact that you accepted my tongue into your mouth. And you allowed me to pleasure you--"

Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x Darcy)Where stories live. Discover now