Untitled Story Part

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I glanced nervously at my watch. 6:44 PM, just one measly minute since I last checked. Time seemed to crawl as slowly as the proverbial snail. I know I came way too early for our rendezvous but I can't help it.

I looked around me at the people in the restaurant. Practically every table was occupied by couples, save for the occasional family or two. But then again, it was to be expected. It was Valentine's Day after all.

The young couple on the next table was gazing adoringly into each other's eyes. Their fingers were intertwined between them on the table. A single red rose was nestled on the crook of her right arm, a gift obviously from her paramour. He said something to her, leaning over closer to her, the gesture intimate. She laughed lightly at what he said, her eyes twinkling.

I looked away. I was reminded of the countless times we've gone out on dates, every bit as sweet as the couple next table. I don't know why felt so melancholy all of a sudden. Nothing's changed between us. We're still the couple we were one, two years ago. I wouldn't be here on this fancy five-star restaurant waiting for him otherwise.

I felt a hand on my bare shoulder, a hand whose touch is as familiar as the back of my own hand. The hands that have held me at my weakest and caressed me at my most vulnerable points.

"Excited, huh?"

I smiled despite myself and turned to face the direction of the person who spoke. Mike, my boyfriend of more than two years. He looked as handsome as ever, a stray lock of hair falling into his light brown eyes, his sensuous lips pulled into a half-smile.

"Of course. I'm only going out with the ugliest guy on the planet."

"Why, you little bitch..." He pulled me to my feet and held my face in his hands. "For that, you are going to pay dearly," he said before kissing me roughly on the lips. I pretended to struggle and we broke apart laughing.

"So, whatever entered that puny little brain of yours and you decided to show up on time for our date for the first time in two years?" he asked as we settled into our seats. He smiled mischievously. "Must be a really special date. What's up?"

I pouted a little and looked at him from lowered lashes. "Is it a crime for me to show up early for once in my life? Are you going to send me to jail for that?"

He laughed and reached over across the table to pinch my cheek. "Nah, I'm gonna have you locked up for stealing my heart. And that's going to be a lifetime sentence too." He winked conspiratorially and we both burst out laughing.

I decided that now was as good a time as I could hope for to tell him what's on my mind. Rather, on my womb.

"Say, are you serious about that lifetime sentence you were talking about? You really have any plans of raising a family with me?" I asked lightly, sipping champagne to steady my nerves.

For a split second, I saw his gaze falter a bit. But he regained his composure a moment later. "Why so serious all of a sudden? Can't we just enjoy the dinner for now?" he asked and took a hearty bite of his fillet mignon. He noticed that I wasn't eating any of my food. "Come on, it's delicious. Nothing but the best for you." He was smiling as he said it, but I detected a sudden changed in the atmosphere between us.

I chewed the inside of my cheek, not knowing how to go on. I toyed with the food on my plate. The dish did look delicious but I just could not bring myself to eat anything.

"Mike, I think it's time you know... I... we're... having a... baby," I said haltingly.

He stopped chewing and became stock-still. For what seemed like an eternity, we stared at each other.

"Is this some sort of joke?"

Tears welled up on my eyes and quickly fell down my cheeks. "I wish it was."

He let out a deep breath and looked away. "And what are you planning to do about it?"

"What do you mean what I'm planning to do? In case it has slipped your mind, I did not get pregnant all by myself!"

"You know we're not yet ready for that kind of responsibility. We're gonna have a family, yes. Just not now. You know what I mean." He looked at me, his eyes pleading yet defiant.

"And what if I disagree?" I countered. I had expected this but was furious nonetheless at his reaction.

He looked steadily at me. "Well then, it's your call." But his eyes softened once more. "You know I love you. And we'll get through anything together, but you know we can't do this. Not now. Baby, please..." He reached across the table to take my hand.

I knew then that I had to leave him. Inside I was dying but I forced myself to look steadily at him. I tried to memorize the lines of his face, the straight slope of his nose, the gentle curve of his mouth. The love and despair in his beautiful light eyes.

I love him, I love him so much that losing him was like cutting off my own limb but the thought of taking the life of the child on my womb was not something I could take. Though it's been there for barely two months, I already felt a love for it such as I have never known. I love him but I'm not going to give up my child.

I barely remember how I got out of the restaurant. I vaguely recall him calling out my name as I blindly made my way to the door, tears blurring my vision. The last thing I remember were twin points of light approaching me and the squeal of tires, then a hard jolt. And finally, blackness.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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