"That's right. Stay safe, I love you." Julian kissed Ty on the top of his head and walked back to Emma.

Jace appeared by Kit's side suddenly like a golden phantom and rested a gentle hand on Kit's shoulder.

"You feeling alright?" Jace asked. Kit nodded, unsure whether or not he and Jace had a close enough relationship for Kit to really say anything. Jace smiled and unsheathed a dagger from his side; it was jewelled, with herons engraved in the metal handle, the Herondale family signet. Jace handed it to a shocked Kit.

"I want you to have it. You're a Herondale, you deserve it."

Kit didn't think he had done anything to deserve it, but he took it from Jace with slightly trembling fingers.

"I–Thank you," Kit stammered, struggling to find the proper words to express his gratitude. Jace bowed his head and turned away. Kit felt the ghost of a smile pull up his face. Someone pulled on his sleeve.

"Come with me," Ty said. "We're on lookout."

Kit didn't have much of a choice but to let himself be pulled by Ty past all the tents and shrubbery. He didn't stop until they reached a large oak tree at the edge of the passing, overlooking the fields. Ty fit himself in the hollow of a large oak tree. Unsure what to do with himself, Kit plopped down next to him. The two of them stayed there, the silence thickening for so long that they were able to hear the beginnings of everyone else making their way down to the fields.

"Are you really never going to talk to me again?" Ty asked, finally breaking the silence. Kit turned to look at him, trying to decipher his emotions. Ty looked down at his sleeve, boring a hole into it with his thumb and forefinger. His hair had fallen in front of his forehead, and before Kit could think twice about it, he reached over and brushed the hair out of Ty's face. His eyes widened in surprise, his nose tingeing a soft, endearing pink. Kit let his hand waver in the air for a few seconds before dropping it nervously. He looked away so Ty wouldn't see how red he must have been turning.

"We're supposed to be keeping watch," Kit said. He heard the ever-so-slight shake in Ty's exhale, but he didn't look away from Kit.

"Last night you said it was best I forget what you said to me. That we can just be friends," Ty continued. Kit shut his eyes, squeezing until it hurt.

"But you aren't acting like how you used to when we were friends. Are we still friends, Kit?" Agony sheathed Kit like a blade, and he forced himself to look at Ty. Beautiful, wonderful Ty, who must be so confused by Kit and his contradictory words and actions. The last thing he wanted was to stress Ty out with his own confusing emotions, but he couldn't ignore the pleading look in his eyes, and he refused to lie to him.

"I-I don't know," he said, and Ty's breath hitched. Ty shuffled a little closer, so their shoulders were just barely touching. His hands were shaking, so Kit lifted his own over them, hesitantly letting them hover, just to make sure he was allowed to. When Ty didn't move, Kit placed his hands softly over Ty's, applying enough pressure to halt the trembling. Kit watched, a little entranced, as Ty fiddled with his fingers, pulling each one gently, running his fingers along the lines of Kit's palm. It was an oddly intimate thing for the both of them and for a brief moment, Kit forgot he was supposed to be mad at Ty.

"Look," Kit began. "I don't want to go back on what I said to you at the lake because then I would be lying to you. You know how I feel, and you made your feelings clear–" Ty opened his mouth to speak but Kit cut him off quickly, not wanting to lose his nerve.

"But I don't want you to feel like I'm expecting some sort of confession from you, 'cus I'm not. But I don't know how I'm supposed to continue being around you, knowing I don't mean anything to you. It might actually kill me, Ty. To have to see you everyday around the Institute, to sit next to you at breakfast, to train with you, knowing you don't care. You're the only reason I stayed at the Institute in the first place, and if I can't be around you, then there isn't any point in my staying." His grip on Ty's hands had tightened so much his knuckles had turned white. Ty hadn't pulled away though. He looked as though he was trying to digest everything Kit had said, and Kit instantly felt like an idiot. He released Ty's hands, which were marked white where Kit's fingers had dug in.

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