Chapa 7

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"Time to get this party started" I grin

"Midoriya,lets go, let them handle this." I hear someone say. I don't hear anyone move, I glance to the side and see who I assume is 'Midoriya' standing there looking down. I look back in the scope, "Hey tonto, get moving, we don't need deadweight." I hear him hum and run away, I see the villains down below being teleported to the different rescue zones. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, I hear thirteen yelling at some students to stay where there at. I look back and my eyes widen, I notice a tiny glint on the villain and I quickly grab my knife and fling it towards it, it hits it and sticks there. Everyone looks back at me, I smirk "Leave, we don't wanna deal with your bullshit today." Everyone is quiet, "As I was saying before, we will spread you out torture and kill you all." I see him spread his mist and teleport everyone to different places. Except me and some others we were left here. "Leg engine dude you need to leave, get help." I turn back to my gun and look below at the bottom of the stairs. "I cannot leave you guys." I hear him, I roll my eyes, "If you really wanna be a hero then leave and get help, save your classmates by leaving and running to U.A" I hear him and some other classmates fight the villain before I hear the doors of the place slam open. I look in my scope to see Aizawa fighting the villains, I look around to see some of the stronger villains in the back near a blue-haired dude and a big bird looking thing. I scope into the stronger villains and aim for there neck pressure points.


He drops to the floor, unconscious, I then look over at the other villains.





There weren't a lot of strong villains, unless they were teleported to the other zones. "Is kaminari still here?" I don't hear anyone. I turn around and there all staring at me. I look at them with a straight face, 'Well I don't see him so I guess not.' I turn back around into the scope to see Aizawa on the ground with the big bird on his back. I gasp and make the regular bullets, I scope into the birds exposed brain and shoot.


The thing stops moving and looks to where I'm laying. I narrow my eyes and wait, I see it start to move towards me but slowly. I get up and make my sniper disappear, I grab my knife and retract it out waiting. It stops in front of the blue haired dude standing. I narrow my eyes and tilt my head to the side. I just stand there, we're both looking at each other, waiting, I don't know what we're waiting for but we're waiting. I move my eyes to the side to see midoriya, a frog like girl and a boy with purple balls on his head in the water, hiding. Then the blue haired dude quickly moves to the frog girl and grab her face. I jump down the stairs onto the ground running towards them, I see Aizawa looking up with his quirk activated looking at the dude. I quickly run to the dude and jump on his back and pulling us backwards, we both fall but I quickly get up in a defensive stance.

I have my knife in my hand and twirl it around, I'm suddenly grabbed and squeezed, I groan in pain. "Well Well Well, looks like we have the little trouble maker here." The dude says while looking at me. "Fuck shouldn' here." I get squeezed even harder and I feel tears prick my eyes, I try to not to scream, "I wanna hear your screams, Nomu." The thing squeezed even harder, I make a tiny squeak and drop my knife I was holding, I then lift my leg up and grab a knife from my boot, I quickly swing up and try to hit its head. I hit the eye, it lets me go and holds it eye screaming. I pant for a bit before making some distance between us. I move in front of Aizawa, holding my knife up. Suddenly the doors of the place blasts open, I don't look back, I just keep looking forward at the villains. "I AM HERE" I sigh in relief. 'Thank god, worried for a bit there.' I kept looking towards the villains examining them. I notice the mist villain has joined them, I hear all might jump land next to me, he puts a hand on my shoulder and I flinch, "Ah sorry about that young Y/N, you did good head back to thirteen." I sigh and close my eyes. "Sorry all might, but I'm staying, whether you like it or not." I feel him leave, I open my eyes to see aizawa and my three classmates in the water are behind me. I see bakugo and a red hair behind the villains, bakugo blasts his way on to the mist villain, and lay him on the ground forcing him there. Then the red head jumps and aims for the blue haired dudes head but he misses. "So stupid, were gonna fail aren't we? Master will be disappointed." The dude starts scratching his neck, I glance to the side to seen the half boy run up and stay farther away just in case. Suddenly the bird thingy and all might clash and start fighting.

Then the bird thing grabs all mights sides and flips him, but still holding onto all might. There's blood seeping out of his blazer, it starts to get chilly and I look over to see the half boy with ice coming out of his foot. I grin and squat down watching all might get out of the birds hold. I start to notice Midoriya,Bakugo, half boy and red head are all here. "Give up you villain, you're outnumbered 6-2."

I twirl my knife around waiting for the perfect moment to strike. I narrow my eyes and look at the blue dude, I just now notice he has a hand on his face, 'what the fuck is that?' I shake my head and continue waiting. Then I hear the bird thing get out of the ice but his body was chopped up, "ew, clean that shit up" I look around and notice everyone staring at me, 'I didn't mean to say that out loud.'

I look back at the hand dude and I shuffle forward a little trying to get closer to strike him. He's distracted by all might, I have the perfect chance to strike right now, I quickly sprung forward with my knife ready to swing. He doesn't seem to notice me until it's too late, I cut his leg and shoulder, I then move out of the way before he can get me. I get back to where bakugo is and squat down next to him. Then out of nowhere I see the bird thingy moves quickly to us, I see everything like it's in slow motion. So I grab my other knife and make an 'X' in front of me and I jump in front of bakugo. Nothing makes contact with my knives so I look up and notice all might in front of us,I look back to notice bakugo was blown back near midoriya. I sigh in relief and move next to all might to see the bird thing and all might both shaking. I jump back a couple of times until I'm lined up with the boys. "Not even holding back on a child? How despicable!" All might spats.

"Despicable? Yeah right, I wanna change the way people see hero's, if a hero hurts a villain he'll get rewarded, but if a villain hurts a hero, there the worst thing ever. VIOLENCE ONLY BREEDS VIOLENCE, that little girl over there shot my men and cut me, she's not normal but she'll become like the rest of you dirty scums." I close my eyes and take a breather. "Your only saying that cause you enjoy it, don't you?" All might speaks. "If I have to go over 100% to beat you, then so be it. I'll do whatever it takes to be..." while saying this him and the bird were throwing punches left and right, and no room for mistakes. With one final punch he sends the bird out of the USJ, "PLUS ULTRA!!" he stand with one first up and smoke around him, "Go ahead you villains, I thought you weren't done yet, come at me" I sigh and stand up putting up one of my knives away, 'He's bluffing, but there's nothing else we can do here.' Suddenly the door slams open and runs in the hero's, the hand dude and mist guy were teleporting when the hero Snipe shot and got his hand and shoulder where I cut him.


After that we were escorted out and transported to U.A for any injuries we may have. Luckily I had none, as for aizawa, well he'll be at the hospital, and I don't have a house key so I guess I'll be staying out for the next 2 days. I head to the locker room and lock my uniform away, the girls walk in, and they all look dead. I start to leave when someone asks me a question, "Aren't you going to change? I mean today was kinda rough." I keep facing the door "No it's okay, I'll be fine so you guys don't have to worry what I do." I put the peace sign up and walk through the door. I start walking down the hallway towards the exit, I sigh and pull my hair out of my jacket, "Hey dumbass, why didn't you change?" I look behind me to see bakugo with his arms crossed, I shrug "You don't need to worry bakugo, I'm fine." I turn around and push the doors open and walk out.

"You don't have a place to stay until aizawa is out of the hospital do you? Bakugo questions. I chuckle and turn around, "Ya caught me, but that's fine, I'll live." I turn back around and continue walking until he puts a hand on my shoulder and stops me. "Follow me dumbass, I won't let you stay out by your self for 2 days." He walls in front of me and so I follow him until we reach a nice looking house.

He goes up to the door and unlocks it, "OLD HAG IM HOME!!" I deadpan and look forward, "KATSUKI WHAT DID I SAY ABO-Oh hello there, who are you?"

"What did I just get myself into?"


-Waddup, I hope this wasn't too much, I'm still typing on my phone so if there are any mistakes or improper grammar plz let me know. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, so I love you all and I'll see y'all later 💖

Sniped ~BnhaxReader~ UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now