So I readied myself to throw a blow--

Then saw him falling on the ground in pain.

...? What.

I stared at my fist, I hadn't punched him yet?

But then I realized.

Someone else had punched him for me. I glanced at my right to find a tall teenager with blonde hair glaring at the middle aged man on the ground.

"Keep yer' damned hands to ya'self, old man." The teenager spat, looking angrily at the cowering pervert. He then glanced at the group of boys who had mocked my looks.

"And you stupid dorks better not spew shit about a lady." He warned them, his eyes fierce and his expression annoyed. The boys looked away, either in fear or embarassment.

I felt extremely grateful.

My saviour turned around to finally look at me. He smiled boyishly, I felt my heart beat.

"Are you a'ight? He didn't do much, did he?" He asked me, sounding concerned. His accent was really noticeable! I've never heard someone talk this way during my short stay in Domino City, maybe he was from elsewhere?

I shook my head and smiled, "I'm okay, thanks to you! Really, I owe you one."

He shrugged, "eh, it's nothin'. You should be careful though, that ass-twat was eyein' you for a while now."

I blinked a few times.

"What do you mean?"

The teenager scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably.

"Ah, it's just that, uhm. You take the same train as me so I usually see you, and.. Let's just say that I've also seen the perv watchin' ya from a distance."

So he really was a stalker! What a nightmare..

I turned to look at the spot he had been cowering in, he was no longer there. I briefly wondered if he had given up, otherwise I had to take another line to return home..

The teenager suddenly tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey, do you leave on the next stop?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I do."

"Is your home far?"

I thought for a moment.

" Just a 7 minute walk towards my apartment complex... why?"

The blonde looked up for a moment before smiling sheepishly at me, "well, I kinda' thought about walking you home since-- ya' know, for safety reasons. You're pretty cute an' some guys might be after you."

I pulled back and looked at him incredulously. He thought I was cute? He wanted to walk me home? What was that. What the heck was that!

It never happened before, I've never felt this flattered!

No wait, calm down (y/n). You don't know this guy, he's a stranger. Granted, he saved you and seems nice, but there's still a chance that its a ploy to gain your trust!

"I'm... not sure, I don't want to trouble you." I tried to say. The train stopped and I readied myself to leave, "I should get off now, thanks for everything."

He looked at me as he followed me outside.

I felt confused.

"I stop here too." He said.

I wanted to smack my head. How awkward.

"Oh, right."

Without much of a thought, I gave him a smile and walked away, heading towards my home. I could feel him following me quietly, and it made me a tiny bit uneasy since I told him not to walk me back.

A few minutes later he was still following me closely.

The apartment complex was getting nearer.

Maybe this is some crazy coincidence.

I walked up the stairs from the apartment building and he was still behind me.

I got closer to my doorstep while sweating profusely. He had followed me back, completely, and I felt uncomfortable as hell..

The air got colder as I pulled out my keys. Okay, if he will try something funny, I could always stab his eye with them, or maybe use my nails and scratch them out of their sockets..

As I was unlocking the door, I saw him-- from the corner of my eye, approaching me.

And so I panicked.

"What are you-"

Then I saw him unlock the door next to mine.


The teen grinned sheepishly, "Evenin', neighbor!"

My cheeks got bright red, "wha, wait.. you live here too? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Wanted to surprise ya." He laughed, his voice very boyish. He then got closer and extended his arm, I stared at his hand.

"I'm Joey, Joey Wheeler. What's yer name?"

I shook his hand while trying to hide my blush.

"I'm (f/n) (l/n)."

"(Y/n), that's cute. I hope we'll get along!"

His cheerfullness eventually rubbed off on me and I smiled.


We stared at eachother for a small moment, knowing that this could be the start of one great friendship.

A/N: I used the eng dub name because I grew up with it. I could've tried using the original japanese one, but it felt so unfamiliar using it... Hope you all won't mind.

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