F i v e

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I hate the metro. I thought suddenly, I hate it a lot.

After coming to Domino city, I realized that crowded public transports were the absolute worst here. People who didn't own cars (like myself) had to suffer through this hell everyday just to get to work or home early.

It was a Friday afternoon and the train was filled with people, completely filled. We were all glued together like a bunch of sardines, barely breathing at our ease.

I was in the middle, holding on to a metal bar while waiting patiently. It would only take 10 minutes to get home, I didn't have to remain in discomfort for too long. Part of me just wanted to see the positive light of things.

However, it got extremely difficult to do so when I felt something poke my butt.

No way, I'm not getting molested, am I? I thought for a moment. It could just be an object from someone, people were carrying briefcases and bags-- they could have just accidentally brushed my behind with one of those.

But no, this time it was clear--

I felt a hand squeeze my ass!

"H-hey!" I turned around, glaring at whoever was groping my behind. A few people stared at me in confusion, there were about 2 men and 2 women who were glued to me, so I couldn't really see who the owner of that hand was!

Damn this!

I decided to twist my body into a different angle so the person wouldn't keep it up. Sure, I bumped and annoyed a few people in the process, but my innocence was on the line here!

I moved to another spot, hoping that the pervert wouldn't keep up. It seemed to have worked since nothing poked my rear for a good minute. I sighed in relief... but far too soon.

The hand returned, and it squeezed my butt so hard that it hurt.

I turned around in fury.

"Stop it! Molester!"

The small crowd behind me looked at eachother in confusion, as if I were delusional. It made me uncomfortable.

"What's up with her?" I heard a random teenage boy say, seeming annoyed.

"Someone just groped me!"

The same teen laughed and his group of friends followed suit. One of them gestured towards me with a smirk.

"No way, who would grope her? She seems like a five at best."

"Five? You give her too much credit, she's a three."

"I'd say a two. But that ass is definitely a six, let's give her the benefit of the doubt."

I blinked in shock. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Someone had just groped me in the public train, and now I'm being mocked at? Evaluated for my looks?

My face got red in both embarassment and anger. I wanted to hurt them, smash their heads on the ground. The worst part of it all was that the hand was still touching me, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't figure out who it was. I pinched it, slapped it, walked away; it was still there. The pervert was so persistent that it began scaring me.

What if it was a stalker? Had I finally caught one after working in a cafe? No way, the uniforms were ugly, and I barely even looked the part of the cute waitress. People were pushing me back, as if I were a hassle; and suddenly I felt it.

I felt someone breathing heavily behind me.

Oh no..

My hands balled into fists, the pervert was behind me. I felt it, I felt him feeling me up, this was it; I had to punch the living hell out of him!

Lovely Problems (Seto Kaiba x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now