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"Welcome, how can I help you?"

One week later, I finally managed to properly get the hang of things.

Customers got used to me and I started getting along with some of the regulars (aside from one, of course), the manager trusted me more now, and thanks to that; I became more flexible at my work.

Janette was the kindest out of everyone so far. She talked a lot but I didn't mind her bubbly personality, it helped distract me from a few unpleasant people. Sortof.

"I need a refill, asap." Came the chilling command on my left. The owner of that voice was none other than the CEO of Kaiba Corp, my new most hated person in the world.

"Right away." I replied happily, struggling to keep my cheerful appearance. If I acted stubborn again, the manager would have my head and I didn't want that. It was odd how a simple job like this could turn into a nightmare with the wrong people involved. Kaiba certainly made it a lot more... unpleasant, no matter how handsome he is.

I brought him everything he wanted, everything he could possibly order; and more (with the manager's wishes). It seemed as though I became the only waitress everytime he stepped foot in the cafe, he never asked anything from the others-- only me.

I didn't know how to feel about that, but it was tiresome. The manager did seem to approve though, and claimed Kaiba praised my work, but did he really?

From the corner of my eye; I saw him working on his laptop seriously, his eyes glued on the screen. He was so focused that I couldn't help but stare at him. He looked so much older, so much more mature despite being such a young man. There were light dark circles under his eyes (proof he lacked sleep), and his skin was ghostly pale, as if he rarely even went outside. All in all, he seemed like someone who didn't bother much with his health..

But even so, he still managed to look intimidating with his height and rather lean physique, I've never seen some 18 year old with such a body before, it was interesting. Then again; there weren't many teens back at home.

Quietly, I went to his table and poured him some more coffee. It was very hot, and yet he took large gulps of it as if it were lukewarm water. His left eye twitched in pain, but he forced himself to keep working on the laptop; typing away and concetrating on whatever caught his attention.

Seto Kaiba looked very attractive when he kept his mouth shut.

If only it could stay like this... I thought with a sigh, everything just gets peaceful with the right amount of silence.

"(Y/n)! Cm'here! I need you." Janette called, looking more excited than usual. I hurried my way towards her in the changing room, and she immediately pulled me in. Her eyes were bright and sparkly, as if the greatest thing happened to her.

I barely knew the red-head, but she was cozying up to me really quick. I didn't mind her getting so close, but part of me was also nervous at quickly befriending this girl. I didn't want to screw up.

"What is it, Janette?" I asked her. She grinned and showed me her phone. I blinked and stared at the screen. Then I looked at her again, then stared at the screen.

She was showing me an article about Kaiba, who was sipping coffee leisurely at our cafe.

"Oh wow, its... Kaiba." I said, feeling oddly disappointed. Janette's cheerfulness fell briefly before shaking her head.

"Yes but, no this is isn't want I wanted to show you. Look closely!"

I squinted my eyes at the screen. Okay, the focus was on Kaiba, but at the back there were two brown figures. I recognized our uniforms.

Lovely Problems (Seto Kaiba x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon