Chaper Thirteen

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After her last checkup and the constant morphine doses, Lucy became distant towards Jason, she was bitter and couldn't think positive about anything.
"Do you want to sit outside for a while?" Jason asked.
"What for? It won't make a difference." She replied.
"Listen I know it's hard for you but-"
"No! You don't know! You've never experienced this before." She said.
"I want us to go back to your family. They need you." He said.
"Why? You dragged me out here!" She yelled.
"Yes, apparently it was a bad idea."
"Don't feel sorry for me."
"I don't."
"Just leave!"
Jason said nothing, instead he played her song.
We're messengers - I'll think about you.
I believe in you, it's all I can do to keep you here with me.
The song caused Lucy to cry into her pillow.
She was hitting her depression state and didn't want anything to do with anyone.
A few days later, Jason made plans with his brother to go back.
"Take doctor Boyle with you." He said and said goodbye to Jason.
They shook hands and extended a smile.
"Bye Lucy, I know I won't see you again, but good luck." Chris said.
"Whatever." She replied and walked away.
Christopher allowed them to take his private plain back.
Lucy had a lot of trouble during the flight and experienced some terrible seizures.
Luckily Doctor Boyle was there to help her safely through it.
Once they landed, Lucy's parents greeted her, she was a little confused when they bith hugged her.
"Thanks for the call Jason." Bill said and he smiled faintly.
"Join us for dinner." Allison said.
Lucy was about to protest, but Jason declined the offer before she could say anything.
"No thanks, I have to see my parents as well." He said.
"Very well, see you around." Bill said as he shook his hand.
Jason looked longingly at Lucy as she walked away from him.
He took a bus home and spend some time with his parents.
"How is Lucy doing?" His mother asked.
"Fine, I guess."
"You guess?" Sally asked.
"Yeah, we had a fight so she's not talking to me."
Jason couldn't even eat, he was too upset to do anything.
"I'll be going to school tomorrow." Jason informed before heading to his room.
He laid dow  on his bed and tried to sleep, but his thoughts kept drifting to Lucy.
He listened to one song over and over on repeat.
My darkest days-can't forget you.
Jason woke up the following day to the song still playing in his earphones.
He got up and dressed for school.
As he came downstairs, his family didn't look gloomy or sad at all.
They acted the way they always did, even with him in the room.
"Did you sleep well?" His mother asked.
"Not really." He answered.
"Your turn to drive the kids to school." Petunia said.
"Ha-ha." His father replied.
"Alright, let's go. Don't want to be late." He said.
Jason stood up, when he suddenly felt a jolting pain in his chest.
"What's wrong?" His mother asked.
"Nothing, I just feel like I've ran a marathon." He said slighout of breath.
"Your father's waiting, good luck at school honey." Petunia said as she kissed her son on the forehead.
"Shotgun!" Sally shouted.
Jason just rolled his eyes and got in the back of the seat.
"You alright kiddo?" His father asked.
"Yeah dad." He assured.
They drove to school and his dad wished him a good day.
"Good luck son."
Jason gave him a small smile as his walked away.
"Jason!" Goose and Bobby shouted once they saw him.
"Hey guys."
"You look like a ghost, why aren't you with Lucy?" Goose asked.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Good we don't want to hear about it." Bobby said when suddenly Goose smacked him against the head.
"It's fine guys, let's just get to class." Jason said as he walked with them to class.
Everyone in school stared at him while he walked the halls.
The whole class prepared something for him.
He received apologies from all the students and their condolences.
He began to understand why Lucy didn't want to be around people when she was dying.
He's not even the one dying and they act all strange around him.
"Jason..." He looked over his shoulder and saw Veronica standing there.
"Look, I know I did a lot if bad things, but I would never wish this on anyone." She said with a sad face.
Suddenly Jason grabbed her and hugged her close to him.
"Looks like someone needesld a hug." She said and hugged him back.
"Thanks Veronica." He said and left.
Jason went for a walk after school, Goose and Bobby walked with him.
"When is there a fight?" Jason asked.
"Why?" Goose questioned.
"I want to participate."
"No, what about Lucy?" Bobby asked.
"She doesn't seem to wanna be around me now so I guess it doesn't matter." He replied as they walked.
"There's one tomorrow night, luckily you're in shape already."
"Yeah... Gymnastics keeps it that way."Jason said.
He said goodbye to Goose and Bobby before heading to practice for his tournament in a few weeks.
He walked through the doors of Elite Gymnastics.
"Jason, it's good to see you. Coach said as soon as you came in, he wants you to know that he's looking for you."
"Alright thanks."
Jason replied.
"Coach is looking for you." Someone else said.
"Yeah, I know."
"Coach is looking for you."
About five people passed him and told him the same thing over again.
"Hey Coach."
"I was looking for you."
"Do you know how many times I've heard that in the few minutes of walking through the gym?" He asked.
"Come with me." He said and Jason followed quietly.
"Where were you these past few days? We've got a tournament in two weeks!"
Jason just sighed.
"Sorry Coach, I'll do better. I'm here to practice."
"Go warm up!"
"Yes Coach."
Jason warmed up and his technique was flawless, despite being upset over everything.
Jason had to stop frequently because he was out of breath too quickly.
Later that day, Jason went to the hospital to see Lucy.
She was sleeping with Allison sitting next to her.
"Jason... How are you?" She whispered.
"I'm fine."
He walked over to Allison and looked down at Lucy.
"Is she doing alright?"
"Yeah, she's good."
"Would you mind if I had a few minutes with her?" He asked.
"Not at all."
Lucy slowly opened her eyes and felt his presence.
"Why are you here?"
"Wow, I didn't even make a sound."
"I want you to leave."
"Don't worry I will, I just wanted to see you before I go."
"Go? Go where?"
"I have a fight tomorrow."
"You promised me that you wouldn't do it again."
"You didn't want me near you or talk to me to I figured it doesn't matter"
"That's not the point Jason! You can't back out on your word not matter what!" She said loudly.
"Look, I need to get out my anger and frustration, it's the only way."
"No! Go hit a punching bag!"
"It's not the same, I need to take it out on someone not something."
Lucy was so angry right now as she pursed her lips together.
"I just came here to give you this." He said and placed a small wrist chain around her arm.
"Its a silver metal feather, for the girl who wishes to be free and dream of freedom." He said before leaving.
Lucy ripped it off her wrist and threw it across the room, on the floor after he left.
Jason went home to train a little before the fight tomorrow.
His chest was hurting and his breath was erratic.
"Let's eat!" Sally shouted.
"Not hungry!" He shouted back.
"He says he's not hungry mom." She repeated.
The following day, his mother made his favorite breakfast.
"I'm not hungry thanks." He said before heading for the door.
"You haven't eaten yesterday as well."
"I'm a little nauseous." He said and walked outside.
"Dad will take you to school." Hus mother said as she rushed after him.
"No, it's fine. I'll walk I need the exercise anyway."
"Alright but be careful." She said.
Jason smiled and gave her a confirming nod.
Jason went through the day of school a little better than yesterday.
"Are you really going?" Bobby asked.
"And Lucy?" Goose questioned.
"She's in tue hospital, I saw ger yesterday. She knows about the fight."
"Did she try to talk you out if it?"
"Of course she did."
"And nothing! I'm still going."
That afternoon, Jason made his way to the underground Cage fighting tournaments.
"Hey Sully." Jason greeted.
"Yo Jason, long time man." The guy said and allowed him to pass.
He walked through the dodgy areas and the lonely dark halls inside the place.
"How are you doing Casey." Jason said and this small aisian dude with sunglasses and a hat turned around with a cigar in his mouth.
"Jason... Nice to see you. Where have you been?" He asked.
"Doing stuff, I want to sign in."
"No no, you left. You know the rules."
"Come one Case, it's important. I'll win for you."
Casey started to laugh, showing off a few golden teeth.
"Nah... You win too easy. How about you lose for me?" Casey asked.
Jason took a step forward.
"You know that won't happen Case." Jason said.
"Alright man, if you are still as good as you were than-"
"I'm better" Jason said causing Casey to chuckle.
"Fine if you win, fifty percent of your winnings is mine."
"I don't care Case, you can take all the winnings. I just need someone to hurt." Jason said.
"Woah! What changed you!?" Casey asked.
"A dream." Jason answered before walking away to get ready.
"Who is this guy Case?" One of his men asked.
"He was the number one bare knuckle champion in the underground. He could knock a guy out in the third round, it was a beautiful time for money. He scored me over twenty million dollers. One day he just quit and no one knows why." Casey answered.
Jason got ready and stepped into the cage.
Suddenly a big muscular, tall man stepped in as well.
Jason's eyes widened upon seeing this guy, he couldn't believe how tall he was.
"All broad and no brain." He whispered to himself.
"I'm gonna crack your back and hold your sleen in the palm of my hand." The guy said while looking at Jason.
Jason knew this was Casey's doing, he wanted Jason to lose or at least test him.
Jason sighed while looking at Casey's smirking face in the audience.
"Standing to my right is a man with impeccable skills, at nearly 6'5 he's mad he's hairy, the one the only, lighting thunder... Roger Falcon!" The announcer said.
Everyone cheered and screamed for him.
"To my left, a man most of you will recognize. He's fierce, he's deadly the one punch machine, lethal Jason!"
"Fighters to the middle." The referee said and explained the rules.
After that, the two of them went to their own corners, where they're hand wraps were dipped in hot glue and then in broken glass.
Once the bell went off, that big monster leaped forward and tried to get to Jason, but he was light on his feet.
Jason just danced around him, when he suddenly used the cage to pull his body up and kick the guy in the face.
The man went down but came back up again.
Jason was springing around him until his fist knocked him on the jaw once.
The 6'5 man fell to the ground, out like a light.
"Winner by knock out, letal Jason!"
Casey couldn't believe what he saw, it usually took Jason a few punches and a few rounds to knock someone out.
Jason walked to the locker room to get changed.
"What the hell was that!?" Casey asked as he came in.
"What do you mean? I won." Jason said.
"Yeah, but there was no show no entertainment." Casey said.
"How did you do that? You never could do that you never did." Casey said sounding astound.
Jason walked over to him slowly.
"I always had the ability to do it, I just chose not to."He whispered to Casey.
"You were barely in the ring for five minutes." Casey said as Jason gor dressed.
"That's good, cause now my face won't be all beat up."He smiled.
"Jason, you don't want a cut of half a million dollers?" Casey asked as Jason headed for the door.
"What for?" He asked and walked out.
Jason went sraight home after that, panting from the walk and the fighting he came through the door and struggled to breathe.
He came through the door with weezy breath and sweat on his brow.
"Jason? Are you alright?" Sally asked, but his vision of his sister was blurry and he couldn't see her face clearly.
"Go... Get... Help." He said before collapsing on the floor.
"Mom! Dad!" Sally shouted.
Jason was rushed to the hospital in a ambulance.
"What's wrong?" One of the doctors asked.
"Erraric heartbeat and fatigue." The paramedic answered.
"I'll handle the case." Doctor Shelton said, stopping the other doctor.
Get him to a room, let's see what's wrong.
Jason's parents found Lucy's mom and dad there in her room.
"Hi." We're deeply sorry about your daughter.
"Thank you, how is Jason doing? He came by earlier today, but didn't stay long." Allison said.
"He's just been admitted."
"What? Why?" She asked.
"We don't know yet, something went wrong." Petunia explained.
"I'm sorry, we'll be here if you need us." The two dads shook hands and exchanged a few words.
Suddenly Lucy woke up, looking confused.
Jason's parents and sister were shocked once they saw what the girl's eyes looked like.
"Who's there?" She asked out of confusion.
"It's Jason's parents." Allison said and Lucy's face went angry.
"I don't want anyone in my room if it has something to do with him." She said.
"They just came to offer their respects and to support their son."
"What do you mean?" She asked.
The room fell silent and Lucy grew impatient.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Jason was admitted just a few seconds ago, he collapsed and they don't know why." Allison said.
Lucy's face was that of someone with a horrified expression.
She tried to move and get out of the bed.
"I need to see him" She said.
"No, you can't." Her father said and pushed her back down.
"I need to be with him." She cried.
"I was so mean to him mom."
"We'll talk to the doctor to see if we can get them in the same room." Allison proposed and Petunia nodded.
Doctor Shelton and Boyle were both working on Lucy's case together and now on Jason's.
His parents left the room as Lucy cried deviated into her father's arms.
Jason was laying in his own room, sleeping when his parents came in.
"Mr and Mrs Clifton?" Doctor Shelton asked.
"I'm doctor Shelton. I assume he's not Lucy's adopted brother, but no matter I understand the situation."
"What's wrong with our son?" His father asked.
"Does your son have any medical history of a heart problem?" He asked.
"Yes, he had a heart disease long ago. It was umm... CAD." She said.
"Coronary artery disease?" Shelton confirmed and they nodded.
"It was delt with and he got better, he did sports and everything." She explained.
"Yes, but I'm afraid I'll have to do a few tests to see what's going on and inform you once I get the results." They nodded.
"Oh doctor!" Petunia called just before he walked away.
"Is it possible that you could put Jason and Lucy in the same room?" She asked.
"Of course."
Jason's parents waited anxiously for tge results.
A few hours went by and they sat next to their son.
Just then, Christopher walked into the room.
"Hey."He said.
"Chris... What are you doing here?" Petunia asked.
"My brother's sick, of course I'll be here."
"Can we forget what happened, for Jason, please." He said and Petunia smiled as she went to hug him.
"Did the doctor tell you what's wrong with him?"
"We're still waiting for the-"
"I've recieved your sons results, who is he?" Shelton asked.
"His older brother."
"Are you really?" Shelton asked.
"Yes, his half brother." Chris corrected.
"What does the results say?" Chris asked the doctor.
"Its CAD and it's nit treatable. He'll need a donar and fast, or else he won't survive." Shelton informed.

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