The Lost Tribe

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I don't know why I played Erik like I did but it felt good to know that I was in control. Also, what I do know was that the sex was fucking amazing and I didn't want to let go.  Everyone should experience bomb ass sex at least once in their lifetime. I was on a high while Erik was my fix.  He was an unhealthy drug and something about him pulled me in, I just didn't know what exactly it was which bothered me.  This weekend I decided to take a trip home to Brooklyn by myself to do some soul searching even though my mom was at work, I still felt like my mind mentally needed a break from the stress of school and Erik Stevens. 

As I walked through the house in my sweats, and Nike slides, I walked up to a small stick that was located in my moms room that stored and locked away all of her memories from Wakanda.  I pulled out a small photo album with various pictures of my father and my mother when they were teenagers and into their early twenties.  My hand graced over the laminated photos of my father wishing that I knew more about him because I was a piece of him, even if I was a mistake.  He wore a small gold chain around his necklace in a photo where he was showing off his Wakandan markings that were implanted in the inside flap of his bottom lip.

My father and I had the same smile and the same ambition.   As I continued to flip through the pages of my moms diary and photo album, my fingers fiddled with the edges of the laminated pages where handwritten letters were neatly placed inside of the laminated folds to preserve the paper from being damaged over the years.  His handwriting was neat but it was perfect, almost too perfect for a guys handwriting.  In the bottom right hand corner was another wallet sized photo of the two in traditional clothing, smiling and in love.  My moms back was facing him as his arms were wrapped around her sides holding her as if he was protecting her. 

My mother knew the type of man that he was.  He was militant because he was apart of the Wakandan boarder tribe but caring and loving as if he were one of the elders.  He was wise beyond his years and with a mind like that it scared a lot of people. While working alongside of the boarder tribe he saw the effects that western expansion and colonization had on African People all across the world. He became angry and short fused because he could no longer sit here and watch his brothers and sisters die from lack of food and resources when Wakanda had plenty.

Wars, famine, and Africa's resources were being stripped away and raped from its homelands and its people. He had to do something even if that meant his life being taken away from him. He couldn't sit idly anymore while his brothers and sisters had no help. That's when everything started to change.

As I flipped the next page over a small Vibranium necklace with an emerald in the center dropped from the book that I was reading. I slowly picked it up carefully not to damage it, and examined the Vibranium piece.  To the naked eye it looked just like a regular silver necklace, but when I picked it up, the metal was heavier and than a normal silver band necklace.  The necklace in my hand had to weigh at least a pound. A small note had fallen from the book where the necklace was and read: this is the key. 

The words meant nothing to me so I brushed it off.  I flipped the page and continued to read another letter that was dated April 8th, 1993 two years before he was killed.

As I am writing this to you I don't know how much time that I have left.  By now you may already know that my sins have caught up with me.   I am now currently with a group of mercenaries who are in the same predicament as I.  N'Jobu Udaku is in charge while I am his second in command.   There are two other undercover war dogs stationed with us that help us with these arms deals.  We are currently in the states about to make an arms deal with one of the black liberation armies that are located in the city of Chicago our next two stops are Brooklyn then Harlem, NY.

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