Chapter 10: Sugar Daddy (Part 3).

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y̲̅o̲̅u̲̅r̲̅ p̲̅o̲̅v̲̅:

I was eating the pancakes like a pig. 'Nom nom nom nom! These pancakes tastes even better than Slenderman's sister's pancakes! Oh man, holy shit!' I began to eat every last bit of my pancakes, "(Y/N)... Slow down. You'll get the hiccups if you keep eating like that..." Masky said, watching me eat as he eats like a normal human being.

"Why? But these pancakes are amazing, Mas- Timothy!" I chugged my orange juice down as I hear some girls looking and giggling while staring at me. 'What the hell?...' I took my chance to look back at them when they all came surrounding me. 'Dammit! Do they know?! How'd they find out?! Where did they find us?!' I clenched my teeth together, staring at Masky nervously as he gave me a soft stare with a soft smile, letting me know to act normal and just go along. Calming my nerves, I sighed, "Oh. Em. Jee! You are so hot!!" The first girl said as I facepalmed hard, dragging my hand down my face. 'I know I am not hot! I'm ugly! I'm hideous!' I shot a glare at the first girl who said I looked hot, "Well, I guess you could say that I'm ugly instead of hot." I said boldly, "But you're a whole meal!" All the girls shouted as I looked at Masky, then mouthed 'Help me!' to him so could calm these girls down.

Masky got up from his seat then sat back down.

I looked over to where he was looking and it was two girls with familiar noses and hair. One girl with blonde hair and the other is brown.

The brown haired girl slammed her hand on a nearby table to get the girls attention and it did, "Girls! They are both gay! They are on a date! Please don't ruin this for these two. (Y/N) said it himself, he's ugly." The brown haired girl looked at me, "... Yes. He really is ugly as hell."


"You said it yourself, (Y/N)! Don't argue with me..." The brown haired girl said.

'Hey... Her voice sounds very familiar... Strangely familiar...'

"How do you know my name? Are you an allie of mine?"

"Allie my ass!." I smiled, knowing who exactly who it is, Clockwork. I turn my head to the other girl, smiling at her, Clockwork walking up to the girls pushing them away as I stood up, walking towards the blonde haired, whispering in her ear, "Suicide Sadie?"

"Yep. That's me." Sadie smiled, hugging me tightly as Clockwork grabbed Masky by his collar, dragging both of us outside.

"Well?" Masky asked, smiling.

"Yes, it worked, dimwit. What did you expect?" Clockwork said.

"It's a Talisman. I think it's forever supposed to work." Sadie added.

"Well I'd be damned. I never really actually think that the both of you would use that thing." Masky smirked, staring back and forth at Clockwork and Suicide Sadie, "Are you two on a date?"

"Ew! What the fuck?! No!" Suicide Sadie exclaimed. Clockwork just stared at me with a worried expression, "Um. (Y/N)... Can we talk in private please?..." Clockwork asked me, walking towards me, dragging me away from both, Masky and Suicide Sadie who are still fussing about why and what are they doing here.

We reached the back of IHob. Clockwork started to cry, "Oh.. What's wrong?" I rubbed both of her shoulders to comfort her.

"Y-You know what's wrong, (Y/N)! D-Don't act like you don't!" Clockwork yelled at me while crying.

I looked down at my feet then back at Clockwork, "You have a crush on Suicide Sadie and is afraid that she doesn't like you back."

"...Yes... How'd you know?.."

"Your expression tells it-
But YOU have a crush on Suicide Sadie? You really do?"

Clockwork's eyes went wide as her cheeks turned red, "I-I thought you knew!"

"It was a lucky guess." I shrugged.

Clockwork turned around, her back facing me, "... The reason why I came to you is because... Y-You're a newbie at the mansion and had lots of experience.. With love... I am guessing..." Clockwork bowed her head down, sighing.

"To be honest, I never knew I was gay until I saw Jeff. He made me feel some type of way." Clockwork shot her gaze towards me by turning around, "That pale bitch?! He's uglier than Edward and Jacob from Twilight!" (No offense to the Twilight lovers. I love that movie too but it's not my number 1 favorite).

"Hmm. Jeff is quite average for my type. Yes, he's ugly, but in a good and sexy way." I explained. Clockwork scoffed, "You don't remember what he did to you when you first joined, do you?!"

I nodded, "Yes. I kinda liked the tingling feeling. It felt hot."

"But you in love with Masky!" Clockwork yelled.

I sighed, "Yes, but sometimes... He does too much for me. He's turning into a person who wouldn't ever become my type. The passageway mansion, lots of money, a Ferrari... Rich guys has a way to please their lovers, but why couldn't he buy a normal house instead of a mansion? Yes, I enjoy having the mansion. I am very grateful for having someplace to stay or live for a while, a roof under my head", I shook my head, "but Masky is doing too much for me, I'm forgetting why I fell in love with him..."

Clockwork was staring past my head with a worried expression, "Yeah.." She points to someone behind me, "Why tell me and not Masky?"

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