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"Jesus. Donny, is that you?" I asked, in complete shock.

"Oh my god, Nancy? What the hell are you doing here? We were told by that english guy that he was meeting Von Hammersmark and some woman called Edith!" Donny cried as he hugged me.

I laughed. "Fake identity, you fucking idiot."

Donny laughed as Aldo looked at the two of us with confusion.

"So y'all know each other then?" He asked us as we nodded.

"We were childhood friends in Boston and then of course, the war came about and he got shipped out here. Then, I made my way over and started doing my thing." I explained as Aldo nodded.

"If none of you have noticed I have been shot so can we please just get me to a doctor!" Bridget cried out.

"Well we cant exactly take you to a hospital, too many damn nazis about." Aldo sighed.

"There's a veterinarian near here." Bridget told him out of desperation.

Aldo nodded. "Alright, that'll have to be where we go. Donny, grab her legs. You, Edith or whatever your name is, go upstairs and get the others." Aldo barked orders at us all.

I sighed as I ran up the stairs and into the dingy abandoned house above the bar and looked at the three soldiers stood around up there. They all looked at me with surprise as I laughed.

"Come on ya idiots. Aldo's taking Von Hammersmark to the vets." I told them as they looked at one another before I disappeared back downstairs.


"Now 'fore we yank that slug outta ya, you need to answer a few questions." Aldo barked at Bridget, who was laying on a metal table in the middle of the vets, surrounded by her own blood that was spilling out of her bullet wound.

"Why isn't she being asked any questions?" Bridget demanded, gesturing to me.

"Because we know that she's trustworthy. She's a friend of Donowitz. Anyway, that's beside the point! I want you to tell me why I've got three men dead back there! Now, why don't you try telling us what the fuck happened?" Aldo yelled at her as she sighed.

"The british soldier blew his german act and the gestapo major saw it."

"Fore we get into who shot John, why did you invite my men to a rendez-vous in a basement with a bunch of Nazis?"

"I can see, since you didn't see what happened inside, the Nazi's being there must look odd."

"Yeah, we gotta word for that kinda odd in English, it's called, suspicious." He spoke, before placing his somewhat grubby finger into her bullet wound, making her scream out in pain.

"You met the sergeant yourself! Willi! You remember him don't you?"

"Yeah I remember him."

"His wife had a baby tonight! His commanding officer gave him and his mates the night off to celebrate. The germans being there was either a trap set by me..or a tragic coincidence!" She explained as she groaned out in pain, clinging to the side of the metal table.

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