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Eric then brought the three glasses, and the old bottle, pouring for the three soldiers, as the Major lifted up his beer glass, and toasted to a thousand year reich.

We all muttered, "a thousand year reich", and toasted glasses. Right before the Major put down his beer glass, and then we all heard a click of a gun under the table.

"Did you hear that? That's the sound of my Walther pointed right at your testicles." The Major told the Captain, as the Captain chuckled.

"Yes..uh..why do you have a Walther pointed at my testicles?" The Captain asked.

"Because you've just given yourself away, Captain. You're no more German than that scotch!" The Major said angrily.

"Wel-" The Captain spoke

"Herr Major.." Bridget started before the Major cut her off.

"Shut up slut. You were saying?" The Major said abruptly and looked at the Captain.

"Well I guess that makes two of us, because I've had a gun pointed right at your balls ever since you first sat down." The Captain revealed.

"That makes three of us. And at this range I'm a real Frederick Zoller." Stiglitz spoke with a laugh as he put his gun directly onto the Major's crotch.

"What is going to happen, Major, is that you are going to get up and leave with us and come outs-" The Captain muttered to the Major.

"No no no no no no, I don't think so. I'm afraid you and I both know, no matter what happens to anybody else in this room, the two of us aren't going anywhere. Shame about Sergeant Wilhelm and his famous friends, because if you intend to escape, you're going to have to kill them too." The Major informed the Captain as he sighed.

"Well, if this is it old boy, I hope you dont mind if I go out speaking the kings?" The Captain asked, switching back to english.

"By all means, Captain." The Major spat.

"There's a special rung in hell reserved for people who waste good scotch. And seeing as I might be rapping on the door momentarily," The captain spoke as he downed the scotch.

"I must say, damn good stuff, sir."

"Now about this, pickle, we find ourselves in. It would appear, there's only thing left for you to do." The Captain said, taking a long drag on his cigarette.

"And what would that be?" The Major inquired.

"Stiglitz." The Captain nodded as Stiglitz grinned

"Say, auf wiedersehen to your nazi balls!" Stiglitz spoke loudly as he fired into the Major's crotch, as did the Captain, hitting not only the Major but Bridget in the process.

Bridget fell to the floor immediately, grabbing my blouse and pulling me down with her, as gunfire roared through the entire bar. Then a fast and loud sound of machine gunfire rang throughout the bar as the lieutenant who was sat next to me fell to the floor, making the bar fall silent.

That was until the door burst open and more machine gun fire rang out.

"You outside! Who are you? British? American? What!" Wilhelm demanded.

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