Lyrical Genius

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Christy brought over over fried rice which she made. It was garnished with a lot of good stuff and Mariah ate more than she had in a while.
Christy had cleared out the plates and was washed them off in the bathroom that adjoined her private room.

Her father walked in the room as she was sipping her drink from the twirly straw that made her feel like she was an absolute child.

"Mariah." He called pulling a chair to sit beside her bed.

"Father" She said

"Haha" He chuckled dryly

"Yes daddy?" Her said with fake enthusiasm

"I love you" he said


"I don't want you to ever think that I don't love you or I don't care about you.  Or that I wish that you were someone else"

"But you wish I was more like Sarah" Mariah stated finally dropping her cup with the twirly straw on the bedside table.

"No. No. " he said shaking his head. "You go through so much. I just wish I could take away some of the pain for you. And sometimes i just wonder if maybe it would be easier for you if you were more like Sarah."

"Aww...  Pops" she said, "You almost sound like you're trying out new lyrics on me"

He chuckled. "I wouldn't never do that bear. It's awful not to mention corny"

"Ah" Mariah nodded in understanding

"Did I use the word corny correctly?" He asked

"Yes Pops"

"Okay good. You are smart so smart and you want to be a doctor... I don't even know... "He trailed off running his hands through his hair. He rolled his chair even closer to the bed and placed his elbows on the mattress.
"I wasn't exactly the brightest in school" he said

"I know Pops" She said almost chuckling

"No I'm serious... I was one of those guys that used to sit at the back and draw in their notebooks. Except mine wasn't drawing, it was lyrics. Songs. And this wasn't a case of me not even applying myself...  I was just dumb when it came to school work. I used to feel so lost but when it came to music...  Any kind of music, I understood it perfectly. I used to be one of those kids to make fun of the smarter ones...  Because we couldn't be like them we sat at the back of the class and coined ridiculous nicknames for them. When my daughter grew up to be even smarter that the guys I used to bully in school...  I just thought how much harder your life was going to be. That's why I made you leave Surefoot this school for the gifted you now currently attend. Being smart is okay there and I like that"

"I'm not that smart." Mariah shrugged, "I couldn't figure out that JJ was eventually going to kill me"

"Ugh... Don't remind me" Her father winced


"Hmmm" He hummed

"What are you going to do with JJ? Momma said they arrested him"

Her father nodded, "Kill him is what I want to do. But probably not. I don't know, what do you want to do? I recommend locking the guy up for life"

"Psychiatric hospital"

"What?" Her father blinked

"He's crazy. He needs help, you can take him to court but I recommend psychiatric evaluation. And I don't want to be part of the trial. I don't want to see him"

"Of course. No one will subject you to that" he said holding her hands



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