The Talk

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"And lastly — for giving me a chance to be here today."

We continue where we left off.

There were two things that Bai Qian became conscious of.

Firstly, Ye Hua was standing way too close to her. The same small content smile remained pasted on his lips.

Secondly, her franticly beating heart was bursting at the seam, from a combination she knew was caused by his closeness, his smile, and his scent.

Steadying her heart, while blinking furiously, Bai Qian raised both of her hands, placed her palms on his defined chest, and pushed. "Um— we–we should talk inside." The sting of warmth on her palms from contact with his chest drove her to turn abruptly and walked – or rather – half ran into the hut, leaving Ye Hua to staring longingly into her figure.

Once inside, Bai Qian was suddenly overwhelmed. The hut had became quite suffocating and she found herself gasping for breath. But when she turned back, to suggest that they talk outside, Ye Hua was already standing firmly behind her, and so she stood still. His presence was both calming and agitating her. Feelings so contrasting one another, she was left wondering how she could have felt both emotions simultaneously.

Assessing her eyes nervously darting to the door behind him and the uncomfortable way she was standing. Ye Hua knew something was amiss. Learning from his past mistakes, Ye Hua asked, "what do you need?"

Almond-shaped eyes glanced upwards, bewildered. Ye Hua provided, Ye Hua decided, Ye Hua acted – most of the times without discussing anything with her. His good intentions had paved the insidious path to their destructions. But there he was, with eyes as deep as the starry night over her beloved Qing Qiu, penetrating her defenses, asking her what she needed. Along with hearing his thank yous from earlier, unbeknownst to her, one of the fractures of her broken heart – mended itself.

"Outside," said Bai Qian, her voice low, a hint of a smile apparent in her eyes, though her lips have yet to follow. "I need to be outside."

That hint of a smile in her eyes lifted Ye Hua's spirit. He sidestepped and stood still, urging Bai Qian to lead the way. From this moment on, he would follow when she needed to lead.

When she walked past him, the scent of her peach blossom aroma floated to his nose. The fragrance he could differentiate as hers even though they were surrounded by ten miles of peach blossoms. He followed the goddess – who held his heart in her hands – to the stone platform beside the pond, and sat down.

Bai Qian summoned two bottles of Zhe Yan's peach wine and poured some into her cup. She sipped at her wine, indulged in the sweetness and its rich taste, prolonging the process, while ignoring the intense eyes that followed her every moves.

For more than a couple heartbeats, Ye Hua was lost in the moment. Bai Qian has yet to make an eye contact with him, focusing instead on her cup and the serenity of the views that surrounded them. Her hand was tapping lightly on the small wooden desk. A habit – he observed fondly – transcended both her mortal and immortal lives. A life he wished very much to be a part of. And to do that, he would have to lay himself bare for her. Something he knew he should have done from the very start.

With a deep breath, he started.

"Ever since I could remember, besides my third uncle Lian Song, everyone around me was kind to me for one of two things: because they were intimidated by my title or because they wanted something my title could provide. Like all things in my life, since the day of my birth, every thing was decided for me. It was how things were in the Nine Heavens and I've accepted them as such.

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