The First Step

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"That's because the two of you were fools!" He raised one finger to stop whatever rant ready to leave Bai Qian's mouth. "But luckily for you," he stopped until he has her full attention, "you have me now! Listen closely, this is what we are going to do..."

We continue where we left off.

"Tian Shu greets High God Zhe Yan," greeted Tian Shu, The Crown Prince bodyguard. His body bowed deeply in reverence, as was the custom one was to greet the great Medicine God.

Zhe Yan responded with a little nod.

"High God, what can I do for you?" Tian Shu inquired, a tinge of curiosity coloured his question.

The High God had just left the Nine Heavens a couple hours ago. And now he was back. Tian Shu respected him tremendously, especially since he had offered to heal the Crown Prince out of the kindness of his heart, without demanding anything in return. But the Medicine God was rarely seen in the Nine Heavens, being a bit of a recluse. But seeing him twice in the span of a day, Tian Shu couldn't help being a bit curious.

"I wonder whether the Crown Prince has awaken yet," answered Zhe Yan.

"He has not, High God. Dong Hua Di Jun has informed us about the magic of the Soul-Gathering Lamp. I am on my way now to accompany Highness Su Jin to collect it from her parents' coffin in the Wu Wang Sea." Tian Shu bowed again and was ready to leave when the High God raised his hand, signalling him to stop.

"Yes, High God Zhe Yan?" asked Tian Shu.

"I would like to see the Crown Prince," said Zhe Yan. "In case there's a change in his essence that would allow me to awake him. Is he alone in there?"

"Her Highness Le Xu and Junior Highness are inside with him. Please follow me, this way." Tian Shu doubled back to the door. If High God Zhe Yan was offering help, one simply does not refuse.

There were only 3 occupants in the room when Zhe Yan entered. One was sleeping immobile in the bed. The other two, Highness Le Xu and Junior Highness, were sitting beside him. The former was prodding Ye Hua to open his eyes; his son has come to visit him. The latter was crying and from the sound of it, he had been crying for a while.

In his peripheral, Tian Shu had bowed and left once Zhe Yan had passed the threshold. A man with a mission, Zhe Yan coughed to let his presence be known. Le Xu turned her back and was so relieved to see the Medicine God again, she rushed to greet him. In her arms, baby A-Li opened his eyes and the two, phoenix and dragon, stared at one another. In an instant, the little dragon let out his last sniff and stopped crying. The old phoenix's scent resembled Bai Qian's that A-Li had decided that it was time to stop crying – now that he had found what he was searching for.

Zhe Yan smiled at the little dragon. He couldn't help it.

"High God Zhe Yan, what brings you back here?" said Le Xu. In her haste, she had forgotten to greet him properly. But never one to fuss about such matter and because he came here with a purpose, Zhe Yan ignored her lack of decorum. Though he knew she was not an innocent in her treatment of Su Su, he would let it go – for now.

"I was wondering whether there has been some changes in the Crown Prince's essence. And if it does, maybe I could try to wake him now," he said, repeating what he had told Tian Shu.

"That's very kind of you, High God Zhe Yan. Please," she gestured for him to approach closer to Ye Hua.

Zhe Yan nodded and made his way to the sleeping man. "Can you please leave us?" He worded it like a question, but the both of them knew it was anything but.

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