Chapter 5: The Eye Of The Storm

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Erza: everyone get in, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Erza took off in the magic-mobile and I quickly followed. She was driving so fast, I could barley catch up.

Grey: hey, slow down Erza, your using up too much of your power driving this this!

(Y/n): Grey's right, weren't you just telling me not to use up my magic power?!

Erza: I have no choice but to press onward, were running out of time. If Erigor get his hands on this death magic, trust me lives will be lost.

After a while Erza stopped at the edge of a cliff over looking Kunugi station, I landed on the roof. We over heard people telling soldiers about a guy with a scythe taking over the train.

(Y/n): that's gotta be Erigor.

Lucy: I can understand cars and boat, but why'd they want to highjack a train?

Happy: it doesn't seem like a very good choice for getaways since it can only follow the tracks it's on.

Erza: yes, that's true but they are quite fast.

I peaked my head through the window and saw Natsu face down on his seat and grey in his underwear.

Grey: then I guess it's up to us to find out where those Eisanwald guys are going in such a big hurry and why.


Grey: am I?

(Y/n): yes, now put your clothes back on.

Lucy: the military's already been called to action, so it should only be a matter of time before someone catches them.

Erza: I hope that's the case Lucy.

I jumped off of the roof when Erza started moving.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) struggling to keep up with chibi Erza

Erza sped through the city of Oshibana while I flew over the city to get aerial view. I noticed smoke rising from the train station and went to check it out. Erza was heading that way too, so I decided to just meet them there. I landed and listened to 1 of the workers giving an announcement.

Worker: please stand back the station is currently closed due to a train derailment.

(Y/n):*whispered* yeah, train derailment my ass.

The other showed up a few seconds later and Erza began questioning the workers.

Erza: excuse me, what's going on?

Worker: why would I tell you lady?

Erza then punched the worker and headbutted another.

Lucy: seems like her questioning method's a little counter productive.

Grey: Erza's got her own way of getting things done.


Erza: the Eisanwald guild's inside. (Y/n), you might want to stay in your transformed state, this could get ugly.

(Y/n): got it.

Erza: alright, let's go.

The whole team ran into the station to find Eisanwald guild.

Erza: a small army unit entered here earlier but they've yet to return. I'm guessing that they've been caught in battle with the Eisanwald forces.

We ran just a little bit further, and what we saw was a grim sight. Dozens of soldiers that we either unconscious or dead layed on the ground in front of us.

The Apocalypse Dragonslayer (Fairy Tail x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن