Chapter 9

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At first, Luke wasn't sure if he should cancel the guitar lesson or not. He was a bit worried considering he was working out and didn't want Ashton interrupting his time. When Luke works out, he's in a zone that shouldn't be interrupted and he gets way too into it and sometimes he forgets where he is.

Okay, that's exaggerated, but it was partly true. Luke really likes working out. However, he also really likes Ashton (not like that, pft) and he didn't mind having him over. They usually have a lot of fun together and these deep conversations that are usually between two significant others.

But, they hold these chats that are sentimental and he really loved that. It made him feel special and it made him know more about Ashton. He learned that Ashton is secretly a sad soul and just doesn't like to show it. He's special and unique and cares deeply about situations such as smoking, drinking and so on.

Despite this, Luke still felt like he knew nothing about Ashton. Surely he knew Ashton loved painting his nails, that Frozen is apparently one of his favorite movies and his grandparents died. But, it didn't seem like enough. Ashton was still a huge mystery and Luke needed to learn more about him as a person.

Luke was a bit nervous to have Ashton over mainly because his uncle is still with them and his mum was being rude again. She wasn't home,thankfully, but his uncle is and he didn't want Ashton meeting him. Luke hates his uncle and he doesn't want to hold a conversation with him.

That's why he sighed as Ashton texted that he's on his way and wanted to ask him to not come over. But, Ashton is basically his favorite person in the world at the moment and he just rushed to the shower in hopes of rinsing off. Sadly, his uncle was in there and he grumbled and sniffled his shirt, grimacing.

He doesn't smell good.

Luke huffed, going to go to his mum's bathroom. But, she only had a bath since the shower head was broken. The black-dyed hair boy rushed around and he finally gave up. Obviously he'll need to wait and Ashton needs to deal with his manly musk. Okay, it wasn't manly, it was just gross.

He at least wanted to change and just put on a tanktop and shorts. He's home and maybe he think Ashton is awesome, but not enough to change into anything fancy. Ashton's judgment is important, but not enough to where he'll go out of his way in his own home. He has some type of boundaries.

There was the doorbell ringing and he looked out the window, seeing a bike neatly sat up on the kickstand so it didn't fall over. Luke smiled a bit, seeing the bike was pink. He was so proud of Ashton for not caring what people think. Most guys wouldn't be caught dead with a pink bike.

When Luke went downstairs, he quickly sprayed some deodorant on so he didn't smell and whined when realizing he was still really sweaty. He finally just gave up and went to the door, looking in the peephole and then opened it so that Ashton didn't knock again. He didn't want his uncle coming downstairs.

Ashton grinned as he opened the door and his dimples were showing deeply. He wore a bandanna around his hair and all black. It reminded Luke of when they first truly talked at lunch that one day. When they listened to Shawn Mendes and Luke returned the notebook. It seemed so long ago and it was only about a month.

The boy greeted him,"Hi! I'm sorry for bringing my bag, I just left from my uh, my friends and didn't want to walk home and then walk back, you know? I hope it's not a bother."

"Of course not! It's fine," Luke assured, suspiciously watching when Ashton walked inside.

A friend's house? It didn't seem like it was a friend's house. Why did he stumble over his words? Luke shut the door and saw Ashton kick off his shoes and neatly place them by the door on the tiled area. There's carpet mainly, but the tile floor is right infront of the door for cleanliness.

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