Chapter 5

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When Luke agreed to teaching Ashton how to play the guitar, he realized he had no idea how to teach anyone to play. He knew how to do it himself, but how do you teach someone? Maybe he's just trying to find an excuse as to not teach Ashton, but he was just worried.

Being around Ashton was hard, because Ashton is really innocent. He was so sweet and caring, but that's the problem. Luke isn't. He's far from innocent and kind of a jerk when he isn't around people he loves. Because of this, he didn't want to corrupt or ruin Ashton's adorable mind and thoughts.

Most people, like Calum and Michael, would think corrupting Ashton would be hilarious. That wasn't good, though. He didn't want Ashton to become a dirty teenage like everyone else. Ashton is perfect. He's confident and polite and not like everyone else in the world.

Luke regretted agreeing to teaching Ashton how to play the guitar. He wanted to cancel and say he can't. However, he didn't want to lie and make Ashton wonder if he did something wrong. Ashton was kind enough to let Luke pick the days they start the lesson and he was just a sweet person with a giggly laugh.

Maybe Luke was growing attached and that's another problem. He literally just met this guy and already he was infatuated. This was what he wanted to avoid, because he didn't want to love another person in his life just for them to leave like everyone else.

First, his brothers move to uni and out of Sydney, then his dad dies and Luke just doesn't want another sad disappointment in his life. Not that his dad was a disappointment. It wasn't his fault he died. Luke just felt like another person would leave and he didn't want that to be Ashton.

Much to his dismay, he knew he couldn't say no to Ashton. The boy would be sad and Ashton can't be sad. He's too joyful and happy to frown. It would be torture to see him upset, especially if it was Luke's fault. So, instead of telling him they couldn't do the guitar lessons, he just went with it and smiled forcefully.

Honestly, he was a little excited. He's been wanting to hang out with Ashton and never could find an excuse to do so. Not to mention, like mentioned before, he didn't want to get attached. Sadly, it was going to happen anyways and so he allowed himself to slowly get closer to him.

Ashton hasn't joined Luke and the boys for lunch since what happened. Luke wasn't happy with Calum anyways. He was angry at the boy still. Despite Calum trying to protect Ashton from the bullies, he became a bully himself. Not a legit one considering it's only bullying if repeated, but he came off as rude and he felt so bad for that.

It doesn't excuse what he said though. He made Ashton feel more self-conscious about his nail polish and Luke didn't like that. Ashton pretends he's okay with what Calum said. But, Luke saw how Ashton changed his pink nails to a dark blue and he loved the color. But, Ashton said he liked the pink and he wasn't wearing it.

Luke was angered by this, knowing his opinions have been changed. Ashton shouldn't ever feel the need to change who he is. Ashton likes sweaters and flower crowns and nail polish. It wasn't a bad thing and he hoped the boy never thought it was, because he should be able to express himself.

The black-haired boy grumbled as he went down the hall and he saw Calum was standing at his locker. Luke rolled his eyes and contemplated running off. He didn't want to speak to his rude friend. Calum hurt Ashton's feelings and he needed to avoid him at all costs.

However, Luke then realized he needed his bag and had to get it from the locker. He hesitated, then grumbled and went over to wear the boy was. Luke ignored him and snatched up his bag after opening his locker. Calum seemed nervous on what to say, probably able to tell Luke wasn't a happy person.

Finally, he just said awkwardly,"I'm sorry about insulting Ashton."

"Why are you apologizing to me?" He snorted and raised a pierced eyebrow. He isn't the one that should forgive Calum, that was Ashton's job.

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