
"No buttsex," Luke shook his head and didn't bother looking when a girl in front of them turned to the two in disgust. He just gave her a lazy, but cheeky smile and she grunted.

When he looked at Michael, the boy was looking at him in concern. He hesitated and brushed his fingers through Luke's black dyed hair and sighed softly. Luke smiled at the kind gesture and lazed his head down again, sighing contently. Michael watched him fondly and a sweet smile was on his lips.

Luke mumbled sleepily,"Keep doing that, please."

"Course," Michael chuckled and played with Luke's hair despite people staring at them as if they're weird. He just liked making Luke happy. Michael bit his lip and he asked with a frown,"Are you tired cause you couldn't sleep? I've never seen you so exhausted. If you're having sleeping problems, you might want to talk to someone about it like a doctor or something."

An amused look covered Luke's face as he shook his head lightly. He murmured,"No, that's not it. Last night, Ashton called and he asked to hang out. Like, really late. We went to this...place and we hung out. We just stayed up till five in the morning and we saw the sunrise. It was the best night of my life."

"Ooh, Ashton, huh?" Michael teased and was surprised when a blush coated Luke's cheeks. He gaped and whispered hastily,"Bro, do you have a crush on him?"

Luke's eyes shot up and he quickly sat up. People stared again and he glared at them, then turned to a teasing Michael,"Shut up! I don't have a crush on him, okay? We're just-- We talked and he's nice, yeah? Trust me, I have no feelings for him. He's not my type. He's too frou frou."

"Frou Frou?" Michael furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

A look of disbelief crossed the blue-eyed boys face. "Ugh, it means like, girly? I mean, not that it's a bad thing. Ashton is allowed to be whoever he wants to be and he's lovely the way he is. Like, he's so poetic and he's not afraid to be himself and he's not afraid to speak his mind. He's honestly the most open person ever and did you know he can paint polka dots on his nails? I can barely fill in a circle on a test!"

Michael looked at the boy with an entertained expression and Luke stopped talking when seeing his face. He looked down and sheepishly tapped his pencil. It wasn't that Luke didn't want to like Ashton, he just didn't expect it to go anywhere. As far as he knew, Ashton was straight and liking a straight person is a waste of time.

Besides, why would Ashton like Luke? Luke smokes, drinks, has daddy issues and is a stubborn person. He wouldn't make the best boyfriend in the world and Ashton deserves the best. If he ever dated a guy, the person should treat him like an angel and Luke wouldn't be able to do that. All he would do is break Ashton's heart somehow and he didn't want to do that.

Much to his relief, the bell rang and Luke saw Michael get up and leave. Michael always left before him, so Luke stayed back and packed up his bag. He asked a shy girl to copy her paper. She blushed when seeing him and nodded quickly. Luke thanked her, copying her answers and handed hers back before laying his in the pile.

Luke nodded at the teacher and then left to the cafeteria. He really wished Michael would wait for him, but Michael always ends up rushing to get a pudding. He loves chocolate pudding. Luke chuckled while grabbing his phone and he saw Ashton texted and asked if he wanted him to sit with the boys.

After replying 'duhhh', Luke entered the cafeteria and he waited in line. He saw Ashton walking through the doors and the two's eyes met. Ashton waved and he looked as adorable as ever. He had a grey sweater on with a red flower clown and black skinny jeans. For some reason, Luke just really wanted to run over and hug him.

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