He thanked her with relief and smiled when she left. Most people would assume Luke is some dark and dangerous, rebellious teen just from his looks. But, his mum's permission was always something he felt he needed. She was the one who understood him and could tell what he was thinking most of the time.

Many teens take their parents for granted. Luke use to do that until he lost his dad. He knew that he should never take someone for granted again. That's why he needed to ask his mum rather than just walk out. You never know what might happen in life and when.

Luke got up and grabbed his black jacket, tugging it on and texted Michael that he was on his way. He took the keys from his side drawer and waved goodbye when he saw his mum driving off. Luke went to the garage and got his motorcycle. Maybe it was dangerous since he doesn't have his license, but he liked danger.

You're suppose to be eighteen when you ride a motorcycle or even drive. However, he'll be eighteen soon, so it wasn't that big of a deal. He grabbed his helmet and made sure his mum was completely gone, not wanting to get caught. Once he was all covered up and safe, he headed out after shutting the garage.

He drove, wind blowing and it was just a nice feeling when you rode a motorcycle. Having the wind slap against you, the world passing by. It's nothing like a car, it's more daring and exciting. He felt so happy when he was on a motorcycle, especially this one.

However, as he stopped at a red light, his eyes darted to the sidewalk. He was confused when he saw Ashton looking in an animal shelter. He looked bored and lost and Luke hesitated. He saw the light turn green and didn't think twice when he did a u-turn at the corner and parked in the parking lot near Ashton.

Luke got off the bike and he took off his helmet. Luke went over to Ashton and he saw the boy still looking in the door, peaking in and not even seeing Luke. It was amusing to be near someone without them knowing you were around. It just proves how sneaky people can be.

He leaned down and whispered,"What are you looking at?"

Ashton shrieked and jumped, blushing when he saw Luke. He cleared his throat and just said,"Nothing, really. What are you um, are you doing here?"

"I saw you looking around. Figured you might need a drive home or something," Luke motioned to his bike and stuffed his hand in his pocket while holding up the helmet.

The smaller boy's eyes widened and he shook his head."No, thank you. I actually have to go somewhere. However, aren't you not of the legal age to be driving a motorcycle? That's very dangerous."

"It's not that big of a deal. I'm only a few months younger," Luke shrugged and tugged on his helmet, buckling the clip. He saw Ashton watching with hesitation as he got on the bike. Luke turned back as he started his engine,"You sure you don't want a ride?"

It looked like Ashton wanted to get on, but he pressed his lips in a tight line and shook his head. He politely nodded at Luke as he walked away and Luke watched him for a moment. He really needed to give the book back, but he will tomorrow hopefully. He knew the boy needed it.

He made sure Ashton was safe and then drove off, glancing back once at the flower-crowned boy. Then, safely drove to the music shop. For some reason, he knew wherever Ashton was going wasn't home. He felt suspicious, but knew it was none of his business what Ashton did.

Still, he was a curious person and Ashton was a mystery. He made Luke always question everything. From that poem, to his need to make sweaters and wear them, then to the flower crown on his head and wherever the hell he was going. It was all some tied together mystery.

Luke sighed as he pulled into the shop. He got off the bike and placed the keys in his hand. He tucked the helmet under his arm and walked in, seeing Michael flipping through a magazine and smirking at the naked (practically) girls. It was definitely a playboy magazine.

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