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It was the first day Cheryl allowed Toni back to Vixens. She had been at school for two days now, everyone knew she was back and okay. But Cheryl just had to be extra and make a big deal of it. As soon as Toni came out of the change room the smirk her girlfriend gave her made her roll her eyes, she's dating the queen of extra, of course she can't just get in line and get on with it.

"My amazing girlfriend will be joining us again today, so clap, bitches." Cheryl announced as Toni cane strutting to join her in the front, a devious idea. Toni knew Cheryl knew she hated being the centre of attention, she knew Cheryl knew she was embarrassing her, rather it be from before when she made a big deal about their relationship or the light blush gracing the serpents features now, Toni knew Cheryl knew. So she'd embarrass her back. This will probably embarrass her too but it's worth it, Toni thinks.

"Oh, thanks. Just so you know your HBIC is superb in bed." Toni smirked, hand on her hips as she stole a glance over at Cheryl. Whose face dropped, her cheeks, ears and even her nose turning redder than her hair, her face wearing mortified regret.

The redhead quickly composed herself, glaring at her girlfriend with a scary fire in her eyes. Toni wouldn't admit it but she almost peed her pants. The Vixens bursting out into laughter-mainly Betty, Veronica and Josie. Interrupted Cheryl's cruel eye-murder. Cheryl cleared her throat.

"Toni did you really think there's not a consequence for saying such a thing?" Cheryl growled, her arms unfolding, getting ready to grab Toni. Toni started bolting. "Vixens! Get her!" Cheryl yelled. Josie, Veronica and Betty obeyed. But the rest stayed to watch the hilarious show.

Toni made a dumb decision to circle the gym in laps to get away from the redhead, following the rules drilled into her mind from elementary gym class. Cheryl made a beeline thru the centre, catching Toni in a deadly hug as the brunette just ran past her. "No!" Toni thrashed, bringing them both to the ground. Cheryl just hugged her tighter. "I've got you, stop struggling." Cheryl demanded, as the three other girls involved in the chase halted behind her.

"What're you gonna do? Bombshell?" Toni smirked, stopping struggling, letting Cheryl keep her on her stomach on the hardwood floor. "I dunno, what do you think the punishment should be?" Cheryl asked the girls behind her, they all smirked. "Vixen popsicle!" They started chanting, the other Vixens joining.

"Oh that's right, she hasn't done that has she yet? I was going to protect my precious TT but now you've pissed me off, exposing us." Cheryl mumbled the last part to Toni. "Wh-whats a vixen popsicle?" Toni squeaked, trying to turn over. "When a Vixens takes a dunk in sweet water river half an hour before a pep rally in her uniform, showing up at the pep rally freezing and wet, she's not allowed to warm up or dry off before we start to perform. Luckily for you TT, it's the middle of January." Cheryl smirks. "Sounds like a suitable punishment. Well do that next pep rally, which is in a month." Cheryl smiles, imagining it right now. Toni trying to cheer, shaking like a chihuahua in the gym. Cheryl doesn't like it when Toni's miserable, but she figures she'll just be more cuddly after the rally, which Cheryl likes, Cheryl also thinks she deserves it.

"But the punishment for now, other then starting a lewd comment war, you have to complete five push-ups with me on your back." Cheryl smiles, sitting on the small of Toni's back. "Lewd-." Before Toni van question it Cheryl interrupts. "Now, I know you can because you've beaten down countless men five times your size at the Wyrm." Cheryl snaps, and with that Toni starts her pushups. Wondering what Cheryl meant by lewd comment war.

It's in the lounge when she really finds out what Cheryl meant. "Hey TT, did you know you have 206 bones in your body?" Cheryl smiles, sitting down beside Toni, and pulling the serpent into her lap before Toni can answer. "Would you like two more?" Cheryl whispers in her ear, biting the lobe, sliding a hand down towards Toni's crotch to get the point across. Toni's face goes beat red, squirming uncomfortably at the heat now painfully throbbing between her thighs.

"Bombshell 1 Topaz 0." Veronica smirks from her place beside Archie, under the boys arm. "I don't like people rubbing things in my face, unless it's Cheryl's boobs." Toni smirked, looking back at the redheads face, which was now as red as her own. "My bad, Bombshell 1 Topaz 1." Veronica smirked. "H-how She-She..." Cheryl rambles. "Don't be sad Cher, it's just God punishing you because your a ginger." Toni smirked. Cheryl, Archie, And a few other redheads around the area gave her a death glare. She forgot 50% of Riverdale were redheads. "Yeah well your girlfriends a ginger and she's so much hotter than mine." Cheryl smirked. "Bombshell 2 Topaz 1." Veronica chuckled. Cheryl got Toni up and off her, walking out before the serpent could catch on and react.

So it was quite apparent Cheryl was quite the flirt, a god at leaving Toni flustered. They were in the changerooms, surrounded by other girls, when Cheryl had the audacity to say:

"Hey Toni, my magic watch says you're not wearing panties." Cheryl smirks. Toni bites her lip. "But I am?" She questions. "Must be an hour fast then." Cheryl smirks, dodging Toni's shirt coming to hit her over the back of her head. "And you know where'd you look best, Cha-Cha?" Cheryl smiles wider. "Do I even wanna kn-." Cheryl cuts her off, not caring if Toni wanted to know or not, she was on a roll. "Between my legs." She growls, getting closer to Toni. "And you know your like a snowflake right?" Cheryl steps so Toni's almost right against the lockers. "Beautiful, unique, delicate." Cheryl smirks, pushing the serpents buttons. "Hey! I'm not del-." Toni's cut off before she can finish. "With one touch your soaked." Cheryl says finally. Giving the serpent a kiss in which Toni desperately tries to deepen but the redhead just pulled away.

"Bombshell like 10 and Topaz 1. Hey Cheryl, what's something Toni says a lot?" Veronica asks from the other side of the room, like Cheryl told her to do. "'Harder, Cheryl!" Cheryl mocks a whiney moan, laughing when Toni smacks her arm. "I-." Toni tries.

"Nice jeans by the way babe." Cheryl smirks wider. "Thanks I got them at-." Toni smiled, finally feeling like she caught a break from the string of embarrassing lewd comments from her girlfriend, she was wrong. "Can I test the zipper?" Cheryl interrupts, grabbing her waist as Toni's suddenly all too aware she's only in a black lacy bra, she hasn't even put her sports bra on over it. Here it comes.

"Your boobs look heavy babe, do you need help carrying them." Toni slaps Cheryl's hand away before it can reach said area. She Thanks the heavens it's only Betty, Veronica and Josie in the change rooms now, talking, most of them were fully changed in their gym-strips, watching the scene with a mixture of horror and amusement. Apparently they didn't know Cheryl could be so shameless either. "Cheryl-." Toni's getting tired of this ridiculous revenge from Cheryl, and being cut off by said redhead so much. "Hey, can I give you an Aussie kiss, it's like a French kiss but from 'down under'." Cheryl wiggles her eyebrows. "JESUS CHRIST CHERYL I WILL KICK YOU OUT IF YOUR OWN BED ON YOUR OWN COUCH IF YOU DONT STOP! YOU WIN, OKAY?" Toni stomps, face going red with anger, and embarrassment.

"Haha, no one can defeat the mighty bombshell." Betty snickers. "Fuck off crackhead goldilocks!" Toni growls, giving her a murderous glare. "Topaz 1 Cooper -1." Veronica snickers, loving the whole drama of today probably too much.

"Awe, you're so cute when you're all flustered, and you know it's our bed and our couch." Cheryl smirks. "I will accept this victory only if I get a victory cuddle session when we get home." Cheryl bargains. "You'll be lucky if you so much as get a glance." Toni huffed, storming out into the gym after putting her stuff back in her locker.

"Sweet victory not so sweet anymore, huh?" Veronica chuckles. "Mm, she won't resist at the end of the day, she has maths." Cheryl shrugs. "Whatever you say I think she's pretty pissed but okay." Veronica sighs as the rest of the girls make their way to the gym.
Is it weird I pull this shit with my friends all the time. Like minus the kissing and stuff ew.

iloveroblox21 I'm making part three you filthy frank. Feel the shade.

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