STUDy time

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Teacher: everyone! Pay attention! We have a new student here, she has come here from another school, so lets treat her nicely! Why don't you introduce yourself?

You: hello, my name is y/n, please take care of me while I'm here! Nice to meet all of you!

You smiled and waved and everyone nodded and you went to the seat that was open, it was next to this boy, he looked very nice, surprisingly good for a high schooler

Boy: hello, my name is Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you

You looked over and nodded and shook his hand

Teacher: OK everyone, get out your text books and turn to page 39 and read the passage

//2 hours later//

Teacher: make sure your essay about love is ready by Valentines day, we will be presenting them in class

You thought about how far away valentines day is and it was about a month away so you had basically all the time in the world

Namjoon: hey wait up!

He ran up next to you and smiled, you noticed little dimples poking out as he smiled

Namjoon: so where do you go next?

You looked at your schedule and saw you had a free period

You: it says I have a free period?

Namjoon: oh really? Me too, its when I usually study and do homework, wanna go there together, I could show you around the place

You: oh um sure

He smiled his dimple smile and you guys started walking around the school

Namjoon: This is where the library is, it's one of my favorite places to go to when I want to relax, oh and this is where the studio is, our school is a very special school so we have places like studios here

You nodded and looked inside and saw that it wasn't occupied yet and he continued to take you around the school and took you out to the fields that they had

As you were walking closer to the field, you noticed that there were a few guys playing a game, then they looked over and saw you guys and started running over, waving and being loud

Namjoon: Hey guys!!

Boy: hi hyung!

Namjoon: oh guys, this is y/n, y/n meet, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung, these are my friends, they're younger than us though, so they are in a different grade

Jimin: yeah, but that doesn't mean we're too young to date

He smiled and winked while Namjoon punched his shoulder

Namjoon: ya, she's a new student, keep that to yourself

They all laughed and started talking more while you tried to slip away

Jungkook: ya noona, where do you think you are going?

You stopped mid-walk and turned around and smiled

You: um I was thinking about maybe..going to my class, I'm going to be late if I don't go right now

Namjoon looked down at his watch and his eyes went big

Namjoon: She's right, we gotta get going, you guys have fun! See you later! Come on y/n, what class do you have now?

You: it says I have  math now, what about you?

Namjoon looked at you shocked and then took your schedule

Namjoon: we have the exact same schedule, so just follow me for today and you'll be fine, you can just sit by me in class

Throughout the whole day, you just followed Namjoon around and stayed with him, but by the end of the school day, you were going to have to go home, to a apartment with your little sister

Namjoon: So where is your house from here?

You: oh um, it's just a 20 minute walk from here, I'll be fine

Namjoon: 20 minutes? It's ok, I can just walk with you, you're new here so I wanna make sure you get home ok

You: no really its fine, I think I can walk by myself

Namjoon: It's ok, I live in this direction anyways

After a bit, you just allowed him to walk with you, you didn't see him giving up on it

Namjoon: so y/ did you like your first day of school?

You: it was cool, met new people, saw some clubs I could join

Namjoon: what is it that you like to do in your spare time?

You: I like reading and writing

Namjoon: writing? what kind of writing?

You: any type really, books, poems, songs

Namjoon: oh songs? me too! But I don't think they will do any good, after all they are just songs, I'm not going to do anything with them

You: do you sing?

Namjoon: well I do sometimes, but I don't think I am too good at it, I mostly rap

You: oh that's cool

Namjoon: yeah so how about you? got any secret talents?

You: well not really, I do write things but I also don't do anything with them, they're just on papers, I've been thinking about to selling them though, help me get some money in and stuff

Namjoon: why do you need to worry about getting money now? You're young, I'm sure you don't need to worry about money now

You: well I actually live just with my little sister, our parents died about a year ago now, they said I am old enough to get a job and stuff, so they left my little sister and I to live here and finish schooling and just try to live our lives

Namjoon: y/n...I'm really sorry, is there anything I can do? 

You: no it's fine Namjoon, my sister and I have been living perfectly fine, she's 10, so she has been doing great with going to a new school and stuff

Namjoon: what's her name?

You: Soojin and oh this is my place, thanks for walking with me, I know it's not fun walking with someone like me

Namjoon: I actually had a great time today and I'm pretty sure it was because you were here today, so thank you for that, have a nice night! See you tomorrow

He waved and walked off and you waved back and then started heading up the stairs to where your apartment was and opened the door and saw that Soojin was sitting on the couch, watching tv and doing her homework

Soojin: y/n!!!! how was school today?

You: hi bunny, it was nice, I made a friend today

Soojin: already? who?

You: his name is Namjoon

Soojin: ooooooo, a boy? Is he cute?

You laughed and smiled and patted her head

You: you are 10, you don't need to worry about that

You started to walk away into the kitchen and mumbled

You: but yes he is cute


hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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