Main Chat

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~Comment at your own risk. Anyone who joins will be spammed but they will make some friends❤
~Feel free to bring friends!!

~No hate or any innapropriate things in this chat!!
~If someone WHOOPs you must continue the WHOOPING
~Have Fun
~No Cussing
~Only 2 Bo Burnham quotes or references per day
~Please stick to just English that's what the majority of the people on this chat use and we would all appreciate it

We will host games and do some fun things here so have fun and if it's dead just throw the occasional snowball or hand out hot cocoa!!

Chat Here ----------------------------->

None yet

Official Members:
taz2327 - Mo or Taz

way_2_obsessed - Obsessed

pigsvsrabbits - Carrot

ilovetodrawalot - Kitty

_tulipathetic_ - Monday

A_Dark_Poet - V

sayitaloud - Kay

Book_Freak247 - Ocean

Nenesta - Fiesta

nerdybolly - Nabs

Pizza_Addict_666 - Pizza

spicy_nyanya - Nya

loveinheaven101 - Heaven

advaitharaghu - Ady

KatnissPotterDemigod - Willow

@-_LittleMissAngel_- -Pineapple

jessicasimpson101 - Becca

AcaciaPrince123 - Acacia

@DDcardin - D

HoneyAndVanillaTea -Vanilla

kimmylowe1 - Kimmy

YukijiRin - Yuki

Jmills2773 - Shadow

almeislitzer - Yellow

spainlord - Nico

JoeyJackswood - Joey

lovetoshipothers - Ship

svnsetskies- - Alisha

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