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Ace gazed at Mikaela silently for a moment before clearing his throat. Do I just tell her? He thought. No, wait. First, I start with an apology. He smiled at her. Mikaela stared at him. She sighed. All he ever does is smile...She thought. She stiffened. Wait, that's not right. A flash of him making a face of pure anger when Blood had attacked her burned through her mind. He got angry that time... She shifted uncomfortably. What does he want? She looked down at the floor. After a moment, her gaze slid up slowly meeting his red ones. His chest grew warm. She's so beautiful, just sitting there. He swallowed. 

"I want to apologize,"He told her. Mikaela gazed at him. She didn't reply. He kept talking. "I don't want to kill you...in fact I want everything far from that. You overheard the wrong part of the conversation." Mikaela suddenly scoffed. She stood up. "What?"

"There's no point to this...you just don't get it do you?"Mikaela asked. Ace blinked at her. She sighed, crossing her arms. "Look. An apology shouldn't start from "you heard the wrong part of the conversation". It should start from "I shouldn't have said that"." Ace gazed at her in surprise. She sighed, closing her eyes. "I've heard all of this before...it's just not worth it to hear it again." Ace's brow wrinkled. 

"Heard it before?"he repeated. Mikaela stiffened. Shit. Ace isn't Anthony, Mikaela, don't think of him like that... She quickly looked away from him. 

"No...nevermind...forget it,"Mikaela murmured. She moved and walked to the door. Ace caught her wrist. She stood still, barely even turning her head. 

"You're right...I shouldn't have said that,"Ace spoke. Mikaela stayed still. He looked down, feeling her warmth even through his glove. He took a breath. "I don't really want to kill you...I think I've realized that it really is different." Mikaela slowly turned, looking up at him. He smiled at her gently, a different smile from his everyday smile. This time it seemed nearly genuine. Her heart throbbed with it. She swallowed hard. 

"Then what, Ace?"Mikaela asked. She looked down, her blue eyes shifting. If he says it, I won't believe it. Anthony said it numerous times...he never meant it. Ace gazed at her, slightly surprised her expression was so sad. His chest hurt. 

"I...think I'm in love with you,"Ace told her. Mikaela went rigid. There it is. Does that even mean anything anymore? She closed her eyes, letting out a small breath. I have to turn him down...I mean, it's not like he really means it. Mikaela opened her eyes and looked up at him. She stiffened. His eyes were completely sincere and warm in their gaze, unwavering. Her eyes went wide. He held her wrist in his grasp, awaiting her reply. After a moment, and she still hadn't said anything, he sighed. "Did you hear me?" Mikaela snapped out of whatever daze she was in. 

"Y-Yeah, I heard you, I just..."Mikaela suttered. She frowned and looked off to the side. 

"Then what is it?"

"I don't know if I believe you." Ace felt like his world shattered. He gazed at her solemnly. He slowly dropped her wrist. His chest was cold now, his body rigid. He didn't understand this. Normally...when someone says they love you, don't you respond with "I love you too"? He stayed perfectly still. She looked down at her wrist. "Ace...You say you think you love me...but I heard Julius say something about an Alice. He said you wanted to kill her too. And then you said you wanted to kill me?" She stepped back from him and looked down. "It doesn't make sense...do you love me or don't you? You can't just "think" you love me, tell me that, and then expect me to forgive you right off the bat." She closed her eyes. Ace didn't respond. He didn't know how to. 

He felt anger spike in him and swallowed. 

"Fine." He moved, passing around her. Her eyes opened and she stood still. He grabbed the door handle. "Since the ball is a time of neutrality, I won't do anything to you." Ace looked back at her. "But if I find you outside of that, I'll kill you, just because you insist that I want to." He opened the door and slammed it. Mikaela whirled around, her eyes going wide. 

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